Minet and I have known each other for over 16 years, since we were roomates at Rick's College back in 1993! Crazy! I found her on facebook and she is just barely moving from Idaho to Phoenix, Arizona. She's lived with her mom the last 4 years and worked in Social Work, but has decided to take a break from all that. Her and her mom both bought separate houses and Minet will try to find work as a substitute teacher. Its on to new roads for her. So, while she visited me en route back to Arizona, we decided to take the kids to Big Cottonwood Canyon.

The kids loved the water and watching the ducks. But more than that, they loved taking control of my camera and snapping their own shots. We had to take turns! Sharing time!

They all posed for each other (in addition to fighting over whose turn it was next.) Kai and Keala's cousin, Tristin is here for a few weeks, so he was in some of the shots.

Minet took this one of Kai and Tristin. If we had brought better shoes, we might have done the mile hike up to another lake. Its been such beautiful weather lately. And there are still a lot of people who fish up at this lake. (Even though we could see half the fish dead at the bottom of the lake.) Gross! But the lake was still beautiful!

This was such a cute picture! I haven't seen Minet, since my first wedding, 10 years ago. But it was nice to spend the last couple of days getting caught up. Minet joined us Saturday afternoon and stayed for the fireworks in the evening. And then we went to church together on Sunday, while she was nice enough to join my R.S. class while I taught the lesson. Monday we went up the canyon and later watched Transformers. And Tuesday we visited while I cut a bunch of Kasey's friends' hair, and then Minet and I gave each other pedicures. Nice! She leaves today to start her new life in Phoenix. boo hoo! She will be missed!