Monday afternoon Brent and I drove Kasey up to Logan and helped her unpack (both cars) and move into her apartment at USU. It wasn't a lot of stuff, just a really small space to move into. I have to admit, Logan is honestly a beautiful city to live in. She is really excited to be there.

Kasey shares an apartment with 5 other girls, two girls to a room. We just wanted to show all the boxes! (But good thing her boyfriend is not too far away.) They can help each other aclimate.

She only had on cupboard to herself, so I tried to help her by packing things in the best I could. Another mother was helping her daughter unpack her boxes too. Not a job for just one person!

We wanted to show "progress" in this picture by her getting the sheets on her bed (and a few things put away.) It always takes a while to figure these things out. So after a "little" bit of help we left her to fend for herself. She is undoubtedly excited to start the new year, and the new adventure. We went out to eat!

Joan was a good sport in watching the kids for us while we were gone. Kai started 1st grade on tuesday. Austin starts school next Wednesday and has already begun golfing tournaments and practices with his high school. Then Keala starts preschool in 2 weeks. I have never been happier for a school year to start! Lets get the ball rollin'!