I don't know if its all the teasing I grew up with, (or was born with), or the people I live with today, but I played a MEAN joke on Kai this morning. We were running out into the car and he turned and looked at me and said "Mom! Its cold out here, go get my jacket!" So I ran back in the house and looked around for his jacket, but in the meantime I found our neighbor, Rachel Mackay's bright, flourescent, glowing, PINK jacket and grabbed it and ran in the car. I pulled out of the driveway and said "Kai, I couldn't find your jacket so I just grabbed Rachel's, so just wear hers, cuz you're both the same size." He simply said "No thanks mom". I was a little bummed I didn't get more of a rise out of him. So I kept pushing "Kai its cold outside, just take Rachel's jacket for today". He just calmly said no again. So I kept going until I finally pulled his green 'army' jacket hidden inside Rachel's and threw it back at him. Kai half laughed and half cried. But mom laughed loud and obnoxious (I learned that from DAD!) Kai tried to cry harder than laugh at that point, but my teasing and tickling made him finally laugh, and I got a good kick out of myself. I know. I'm a mean mom. I'm raising mean kids, blah blah blah. If any of you know my daughter, she's got us all beat. She's the boss of this house (and the neighborhood!) so we have to keep the air light around here or we'll take ourselves too seriously. Lifes too short... you gotta laugh a little sometimes!