So, since all my sisters seem to be on some type of exercise rejume, I thought I would jump on the bandwagon. I started 2 weeks ago on the treadmill and hit it only twice then, (none last week). But I'm onto 3 visits to the treadmill this week! (Yeah for me!) Mom came over the weekend of Thanksgiving to share a yummy turkey dinner with us on Sunday (I needed more turkey!) and we talked about how I get on the treadmill every once in a while. And Brent said "Yeah, she gets on for 10 minutes and then shes had enough!" And I said "Yeah, well I have to do my dusting weekly and so I get on it and dust it clean, and then get off!" But this week I have been more commited to my workout so I got on it the other day and noticed something was stuck to one of the rollers and making the running plane bounce on this little bump. So, since all the children's toys sit on or near the treadmill I figured someone had sat on it while playing with toys and must have eated candy or something and somehow it got stuck to the rolling wheel. So I call Brent over and we lift it to get a better angle to look inside only he can't quite see it, so I take a turn and peer into it and yep, it roadkill! This fall Brent tells me that he gets only a few mice in his house and thats all. He reassures me its ONLY a couple. So this fall, over a dozen mouse traps later... we still find big ones, fat ones, small ones, skinny ones, and no they don't eat worms! So anyways, back to the treadmill... we both are grossed out and get past the 'quiver' stage and I look in the kitchen for something long enough to reach in there and scrape it off the roller (I won't tell you what I used or you'll never come over to our house to eat dinner again.) So I scrape it off, but since we are holding it at an angle, the flattened furball starts to roll to the other end. At which point I'm shreeking with cooties and we both quiver again and then I scoup it out and throw it away. (and yes, the kitchen tool has been sufficently cleaned, disinfected, sterilized, whatever word you need to reassure you we can use it in the kitchen again!) At the end of the day Brent admits to me that the 'mouse episode' was kinda gross, to which I raise my voice and say "Kinda like, yeah! I been shivering all day!" Well, heres to the winter season and the hopes that THAT one was the LAST one!..."Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse..." ...should we be so lucky!
ew! ew! ew! i would find every nook and cranny and plug up that house!!! ew!
AAAAAAaaaagggghhhhh! Yep, mice are gross. We haven't seen any in a couple of years and then, out of the blue, two days ago there was a dead one lying smack in the middle of my basement floor. Hhhmmm. Only one, I wonder? Let's hope!!! I'ts funny how I can get those shivvvery quivvveries, and at the same time think, "man, they are cute little things!"
Gross! Mice give me the creepies.
I think you should just throw that kitchen tool away. I don't care how clean you think you got it, that's just gross, gross, gross. By the way, they sell mice as pets at the store. I was not a fan, but for some reason Dallin's hamster is totally growing on me.
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