Thursday, March 12, 2009


I am a warm sleeper! I HAVE to sleep warm! But sometimes if I am TOO warm I end up giving myself really bad nightmares. Here's the latest I'be been having about once a week (at least): I am single and begging some old boyfriend to marry me. Hello! Thats not 'supposed' to be a nightmare. But it is! Its my re-occuring nightmare. And I don't think I have any kids in the dreams, so I am not even a single mom... just "single". Hello! So weird! But can you see how relieved I am when I wake up and my honey bunny is there next to me! Sheesh! The weird thing is that I have TOTALLY forgotten in my subconscious that I am married. I think I must be scarred for life. PThhhhh! Who knows!


Barney Family said...

It's amazing that in that bustling house you could even dream of being single!

Jacque said...

maybe you don't really believe it yourself yet! Wake up girl! You did it! =)

Cammie said...

Maybe it's because you were such a hot single mama! Good thing it's ONLY a dream!!