I sware every time I turn around my children are in different clothes or a different time zone altogether. Pajamas are a pain to take off... church clothes are a pain to put on ...and I've given up on matching ensembles altogether. I just let the kids wear whatever they want. And this is usually the outcome ... dress-ups, dress-ups, and more dress-ups!

Here they are together. (For a while their favorite was Gran'ma Joan's Power Rangers Costumes!) I didn't catch photos of those, but these made me laugh. I don't even know where Keala got this witch costume unless it's Joan's also.

This was the funniest of all! Kai can't sit still without a play-date or some other stimulating activity. And when his friend Carter came over I walked in on them posing as these superheros. What a crack up! Now I just have to show Carter's mom!
Pretty cute!
Damn the dress-ups!! Although they are funny and cute, they are a pain in the you-know-what!
p.s. I got your email, and forwarded it onto Bethany.
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