Mom and I ate dinner first at Macaroni Grill where the waiter took our photo. Then mom gave him a gift card and I gave him my debit card and he came back to our table and said the gift card had expired and my debit card had 'insufficient funds'. Both mom and I said "what!" in chorus and then mom started laughing and he started laughing. (It still took me minute to get the joke!) But it was a good joke! (Still our stomaches fell about five feet and we were almost nautious walking out of there.) He got us pretty good!

The tickets said "no cameras" inside the concert so we had a passer-by take our picture outside the "Delta-Center"- now- "Energy Solutions Arena". What a long name! Inside EVERYONE had their camera - I was so annoyed! I would have loved to take more pictures inside. The women we sat around were a hoot! I would have taken their pictures too!

It would have been fun to do these 'self-portaits' inside too, but 'oh well'. All the women were completely 'Ga-Ga' for these four boys... but I have to admit, they not only had GREAT voices - they were pretty HOT too! We laughed and laughed with the crowd as women bought more pamphlets of the singers and then fought with each other over 'who HAD DIBS on who!' It was hilarious. The mother who we sat next to also came with her son for a Mother's Day present. It was a lot of fun! Thanks everyone for letting me take mom - we had a great time!
I am a LOT jealous of your tan! Girl you are hot! Looks like a fun night with you mom...She is a hoot!
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