Remember these guys? I thought I would help Austin with his dessert last night for his annual "Duty to God" Dinner. The one in the upper left corner is his favorite. It got worse from there.

The first box of frosting I used was too runny (the 'whipped' frosting). The second box I bought was specifically from the craft store labeled, "decorative frosting". It was so hard, it took me 2 hours to finish piping these 'bad boys'. My hands still hurt while typing this blog!

The back row were the only double deckers. We skimped to singles after the carple-tunnel set in. I did the 'hair' while Austin did the rest. It was good teamwork. I'm off to make Elmo today for restitution. I bought new frosting - we'll see how it goes!
If you click on this picture to blow it up, you'll notice the last 2/3s I just stopped piping the 'hair' and let the frosting drizzle on - my hands were hurting so bad. Austin said they looked like swamp monsters, but who cares - they got done! I used the runny frosting as the base, you'll notice it was a different green - didn't care about that either. I like the swamp green.. it goes with swamp monsters!
I love this Nikki! That is extremely creative. I would have bought twinkies and called it good!
So cute!
love the unibrow!
Oh, I feel your pain! I did a big ol' snake cake for Kyle once and piped the whole dang thing! Got part way and thought, "what the heck am I doing?" These turned out cute! You're a good sport!
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