SO..... Last night after making vacation plans with 'the Sisters' (as Adam calls us), I was on my way home with the kids and decided to drive them through 'El Pollo Loco' to get us all drinks. (I didn't even order myself any food!) But I figured my kids would be hungry so I asked them if they wanted a 'taco' to which they said 'yes'. Unfortunately, Keala was not expected the 'chicken' so she burst into tears. Thank goodness Del Taco was across the street. So I headed over there...

I proceed to order my daughter her ONE taco (only 53 cents!) and wait for what feels like FOREVER! (They must have thought I was crazy!) Again, to my suprise my daughter had mentioned while I was in the drive thru that she wanted a 'cheese' one! (What she meant was a quesadilla!) So as I am driving out of the parkinglot and shes on the verge of tears again (from the innocent miscomunication) I back up and pull back into the drive-thru again. Except... some dude cuts me off and pulls into the drive-thru ahead of me. I could not believe my eyes. So now I'm on 'Attemp #3". I'm waiting, I'm waiting, I'm waiting... The girl at the counter has a quick laugh with me returning again (for just ONE item again.) And after waiting for what feels like FOREVER.... she comes to the window and says the quesadilla fell on the floor and they have to make another one. "For the love of Pete!"
Yes, Keala got her quesadilla (after she ate her 'whole' taco!) And it was a peaceful half hour drive home, and all was well. Kids are nuts! (oh ya, ... I got to eat her 'chicken' taco... bonus!)