What are you looking at you ask? This is 30 sets of mushroom soups, tomato paste, bay leaves, and recipe instructions for 30 people in our Stake to make Stew for our Pioneer Trek. (This was last week!)

Somehow communication problems and time factors made me end up cooking 10 myself (don't ask!) and 4 others were cooked by my own Visiting Teachers. I was honestly glad to cook a majority so I had time to let the meat simmer longer to tenderize before I added the vegetables. (I have to admit, after 12 hours of cooking stew you stop caring about tenderizing!)

These are now the cans and instructions in bags with carrots, potatoes, an onion and 2 lbs of beef stew. It was a major project, but so glad we cooked and froze this meal prior to leaving, so we don't have to do it on BBQ grills! We cooked 80 lbs of chicken a few weeks ago! Done & done!

The Youth are organized into 24 families. There are 8 wards in our Stake. Heres just the Gatoraid. (ok, AND peaches!) You DON'T want to see the rest of our storage room. I have to admit, it has been surreal having been handed this calling to prepare all the food for our Stake Pioneer Trek for 4 days. And then we have to cook it all!... that job should have been given to someone else after all we've been through!

Last night one of the storage trailers came and picked up all our BBQ and cooking equipment that we've been collecting. We will only have 2 of these trailers due to vehicle limits on the Desert Land and Livestock property. (6 Vehicles total.) One of the trucks will pull our refrigerated trailer with all our food. These longer trailers will hold all the Stake Youth and Leaders' tents and sleeping bags.

I demanded that Brent get a griddle from Cabbela's realizing how much we'll need these. He was so proud of his find! (Thats his proud/obnoxious face!?) He's so funny! We have a lot to do, but we are excited as well. (At least we don't have to hike the 26 miles like the youth do!) But we still have to set-up and take down camp every single day. Hello!

Isn't this romantic? Matching buckets... thats what everyone will use to put all their personal items in. (Except we are all bringing extra bags with winter coats, a change of clothes and shoes, and rain ponchos!) Brent was very disappointed in me, that out of all the coats and jackets I own that not one of them is a raincoat. I guess I don't make much of an effort to lollygag around in the rain. Think I might get that chance these next 4 days. (Heaven help us!) More pictures to come later...
Oh my! Good luck! I really hope you don't get soaked in the rain! Good luck! Good luck!! I know your food will be delicious! You deserve a trip to the day spa Saturday afternoon! I hope you have fun along the way!!
Nikki, you need a vacation. How about driving up to Idaho and spending a restfull week with 29 relatives under one roof?
My own relatives WILL be a vacation after 4 days with obnoxious teenagers. I just might do the spa thing too!
That's amazing but it looks like you guys did a great job. I'll have to remember this if I ever get stuck with that calling. I hope you have a good trip. Wish I could join you at the spa!
ah! Nikki! This is the craziest calling ever! I hope you guys survive and have fun at the same time! Hang in there!
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