I seeded some peppers yesterday with my bare hands as fast as I could because the juice was jumping into my system, making me hack and weeze! I thought my eyes were gonna pop out of my head while my sinuses were melting like the wicked witch! Why was I doing this? Well because my dearly beloved husband asked me to make his favorite BBQ bean dish, and jalapeno peppers were a part of the recipe... What I didn't realize was that some of the juice got stuck under my thumb nail. Now don't get carried away... I don't have fricken long fingernails like the days of yesteryear. My nails have been tiny little stumps at the end of my fingers for a long time now. But I could not get this burning feeling out from under the nail ALL DAY! I tried sucking on it only to find my tongue spontaneously combusted every time... (which still did not deter me from doing it over and over all day long!) (Is this the case of curing by vinegar or windex?!) So I wake up this morning and think my thumb should be feeling better by now.
No. Not the case. If you see me next time and my thumb has fallen off... you'll know why!
Make sure that you don't touch your eyes!
I've bought a box of cheap plastic gloves (they are super thin and disposable) that I use just for cutting peppers. A couple of times it's gotten on my hands and then into my eyes, it's just terrible!
I have a pair of cleaning gloves I keep in my kitchen just for cutting jalapenos. It only takes one bad experience to make you remember to protect yourself from the fire.
i just don't cook. makes it simple that way. ;)
Breanne IS RIGHT! Erika and Lauren ARE RIGHT! Jacque IS RIGHT! At this point it's too late. Only sympathy will help. Yesterday you could have: 1 washed vigorously (you probably did this), alcohol also helps disolve & wash away oils/juices of peppers, white vinegar helps neutralize the bad stuff - so does milk in a different way. Gloves are really good - abstinence is BEST. Let Brent do it. Just don't let him touch you afterward.
My goodness. Is there anything that you don't do????????
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