Monday, October 18, 2010

Guitar Hero?... No!

I have only two 'very important' rules I have asked my husband to follow... Rule #1: No singing!
Rule #2: No Dancing!
 He broke both the rules last night!

So Kasey was here all weekend and left right before the show started! For some reason Austin pulls out his guitar hero equipement (for the first time in the history of my life - EVER) and starts to rock out with Ryan!

But no... that wasn't enough! He had to get his dad involved!
Brent's argument: "The band needed me!"

Can you tell how determined they are?!
 I have never heard more annoying sounds in my life! 
 I decided to retire to another room in the house... very very far away!
(After I took all these pictures of course!)

Look at that consentration!
People I think I can feel a karaoke night coming on! Who's with me!?


Ross and Kathy said...

Boys will be boys! Karaoke sounds like a good idea.

Barney Family said...

What's wrong with Austin's shorts?

Nikki Jenson said...

I was hoping no one would notice... so, they are a favorite pair? But he jumped a fence and the fence won!