Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Our Decorating Weekend!

The kids were a little bored this weekend so we decided to decorate for Halloween and do a few activites.  I went to a scrapbook store earlier in the week and punched out some 'sp-oookey' shapes.

The kids loved the idea of decorating gift bags they we would later stuff with lots of goodies! (and Candy!)

The most fun they had were making these lanterns in bright colors, adding lots of cute little google-eyes!

Then of course, Keala started a posing fest....

 Pose #1!

 Pose #2!

Pose #3!

And then on to decorating! (Kai does not like this one!)

We got the stuffed animals involved!

Then we got involved!

Yes, they got me to pose to, but I will spare you that foto.

The deer wanted to get involved too!

We also made luminaries with vellum and our punch-outs.

I also got the winter clothes out of storage and Kai thought he would dress up with his gloves and boots.

They never get tired of dress-up!

Keala always wants to play with the camera when we get it out.  This usually involves a few self-portraits (and other things I can't recognize.) But this is the latest! Yes, its a little spookey!


Breanne said...

That looks like so much fun! You guys did a great job.

Ross and Kathy said...

Ditto Breanne.

Jacque said...

Can you come over and decorate my house??? Seriously!