Friday, October 15, 2010

This is the Place Heritage Park

This weekend the schools are having their UEA conferences so yesterday my friend, Meeja and I took our kids to "Little Haunts" activities at Heritage Park (they do this from the 14th to the 16th).

Heritage Park has a bunch of Pioneer homes in a village setting that resembles the time when the pioneers first settled here in the valley.  The first home we walked through had trick-or-treating and this witch telling a really cute story.  I was suprised my kids sat still long enough!

 Next we rode in a car that looked like a train.    (I thought that was wierd!)

 We started out eating the Trick-or-Treat candy... and didn't stop all day! (Gross!)

 This is Sam, Meeja's son who joined us.  All the kids at the park today wore costumes... it was so cute!

 Keala was the first to get her face painted... she wanted a spider! Of course!

 We walked up to the Indian Village where we rode on this 'real' train.

 We were instructed to follow three simple rules: #1 Don't lean over the sides! Duh!

 Rule #2: Stay seated at all times so you don't fall out. Hello!

 Rule #3: When we enter the tunnel, scream as loud as you can! (Btw...The valley looked awesome up here!)

 Here comes the tunnel and my kids are already practicing their screams!

 Mind you, there was nothing spooky whatsoever about the tunnel... but they still screamed!

 At the Indian Village we panned for gold. Down on Main street we played games and did some crafts.

 The boys got really good at throwing the bean bags into these buckets. I was impressed!  The Sister Missionaries were nice and patient with them... and with me!  They tried to scoot out of my photos and I yelled at them to get back in. We all laughed, it was funny!

 Then we found a home where you could practice washing, hanging, and ironing the laundry.

 For some reason my kids both loved doing this! How come they don't do the laundry at home!

 Kai really got into it, so much in fact, the rest of us were getting a little bored waiting for him to finish!

 Inside this home there was a ring toss that kids threw over witches hats... too cute!

Outside the kids played these toy games, practiced walking on stilts, rolled a wagon ring with a stick, and could hit a rug with a wire whip to get out the dirt. They tried all these activities and really liked them.

Eventually we made it to the petting pen where Kai was so cute with the animals.  He talks really sweet to them and gets right down to their level. Its a cute trait I've always noticed about him.

Then the kids loved riding the ponies.  We had lunch first cuz mean mom was hungry, but also so the lines could die down a little, which they did.  It was so short in fact we did this 2 or 3 times before a huge crowd came. But they only walked the ponies twice around before they got the kids off again... a little weird.

We had so much fun with all the activities today. Keala's favorite was panning for gold. Then you could trade in your nuggets to the Bank for candy. (Keala had a hard time trading it in!) Kai's favorite part of the day were the animals. He's kind of an animal himself, but they both had a lot of fun... good times!


Ross and Kathy said...

Looks like a great day. What did Mom like best?

Nikki Jenson said...

Mom liked seeing the kids have so much fun! (And then going home to take a nap!)... which I did!