Monday, November 8, 2010

October's Artwork

 This is the "Wall of Fame" in our house. Its been fun to see what we decorate it with each season, (or month)! This is primarily all of Keala's artwork from Kindergarten. (And a few Halloween decorations.)

I thought Keala looked so cute this morning, (I particularly like the crown) so I had to take her picture. She found these Halloween rings and put them on as I cleaned the house. Monday is my 'deep clean' day. I  spent 3 hours cleaning today which is pretty usual... (and then let it go for the rest of the week.)
 Hey, at least it gets done regularly!

P.S... Brent is in Australia for the week with co-workers for a fun filled vacation. Poor guy!
 (Does he look a little 'chummy' with the red-head or is that just me?!)


Ross and Kathy said...

Definitely chubby. Keep scrubbing girl. Keala is a doll.

Cammie said...

Hey, I tried to text you yesterday! Glad to see you are still alive!