Thursday, February 10, 2011

Donut Day

My kids beg for a donut from Dunford's just about once every week. I make them earn it by completing homework and reading assignments. (Best mothering skill I ever learned: every thing is a privilege unless its a meal!) Works like a charm! So yesterday I scrambled through all my change and sent the kids into the store with the amount of $1 in coins. (Their cashiers just love me!) Kai came out with his usual chocolate glazed twist. Keala comes out with something different each time. So she shows me her apple fritter and says, "Mom, mine has apples in it! Its more healthy than Kai's, huh?!" 
Uhhhm... I don't know how to answer that.
(FYI:) Dunford Bakers located at 8556 South 2940 West


Ross and Kathy said...

I'm with Keala - our new Korean neighbors introduced themselves recently and gave us See's candies (nuts & chews) - Now I call that healthy - NUTS ARE HEALTHY - RIGHT? Kathy didn't have any - she doesn't know how to be healthy.

Cammie said...

YUM. Dunford is my favorite. Can't wait to see you tomorrow...Maybe you can have a donut waiting there for me...hint.hint!