Tuesday, March 15, 2011

BYU Mountain West Conference Weekend in Vegas!

Brent, his kids, myself, and 2 of Brent's closest friends, Brian and Greg (and their families) all joined us last weekend in Vegas for the BYU Basketball Conference.  We all leased a large home together... which had this awesome pool in the backyard!

The boys found many 'original' ways to jump off the slides! (At the very, very top is Greg and Dana's son, Taylor... such a cutie!) I didn't get many pictures of their family- sorry guys!

The kids all throw a different ball at each other while jumping at the same time... trickeeeey!

 Here's Brent's friend Brian, and his son Nathan.  It took about 2 days for the pool to heat up so we stayed out of it the first day... except for the teenagers.  Although we did venture into the hot tub!

Yes, this is a hammock! My husband was kind enough to share it with me... if I shared my Doritos!

Brent's kids took shots from the pool.  I kept hearing Kasey yell "Yes! I nailed it!"
(She meant getting the shot!) It made me laugh so hard!

And another one... "nailed it!"

This time it was her turn... "nailed it!"

And again... nailed it! This is Austin's friend Tyler, who joined us for the weekend.

On Thursday night Brent BBQ'ed some awesome hamburgars out on the grill.
But FRIDAY night.. whoaah! We ate at HOTEL 'M' at the most delicious Buffet, 'Studio B'! 
(I ate some in honor of you Meeja! mmmm yum!)

Everyone was reluctant to give me a good shot! Are we camera shy people !?
This is Brian's wife, Jerrine with her daughter Heather and son Nathan in the background.

Here is Heather's husband, Pat, and her twin sister Page.  Awesome people! We had so much fun!

We made it to different Basketball games every day, while still having lots of fun pool time, rest, and all the relaxation that you could ever want!
(Yes! My 2 kiddie-poo's spent the weekend with their dad!) See how much fun I had!
Saturday night we ate at the Memphis Championship Barbecue... super delicious!  Yes, I ate more than my fair share, ok, not in honor of anyone... it was all for me! But oh so YUM! (Diet starts NOW!)
(Sorry again for not having enough photos of Greg and Dana, and their daughter, Mickel... email me!)

We came home Sunday.  The end.
P.S. I miss our way SUPER FUN weekend!

1 comment:

Ross and Kathy said...

You're having way too much fun - next time invite me.