Saturday, May 21, 2011

A New Day!

We've had a real struggle with keeping the 'little girl's' room clean this year. She's been trying to make deals with me for months to buy her a hamster if she cleans it. But she never does it.  (I don't really want a hamster anyways, so it kinda works out for both of us, I guess!)

So I finally told her brother that I would get him a new bike for the summer since he's done such a good job with his reading skills this year. And apparently that was the trick to gettin' the little girl to clean her room!

Wonders never cease! Her room stayed clean for a whole day! (We still have a little work to do with that, but at least we have some leverage now!) And no, she doesn't need the training wheels but we thought it would be a good idea while the cast is still on! (I must confess - it was her idea! Smart kid!)

Kai and I had a little argument that the wheels on this bike were just a little too big in proportion to his body. But he argued that he'd grow into it and my husband agreed. So, here's his new bike!

I really must say, he has improved on his reading skills so much this year, that I am not only suprised, but incredibly proud of him. He has also grown up to be a great kid this year! Good goin' Kai!

And more of Keala's self-portraits.... 

This one's a little scary!

She thinks she's so funny!  Ok - she is!

Brent spent all morning planting flowers. (This is supposed to be our garden... oh well.)  Maggie is being very supportive... as a matter of fact, she has been ALL morning long! (She loves Brent!)

These are our tomato plants! We'll have plenty to can for this summer! Christmas gifts anyone?

1 comment:

Ross and Kathy said...

All Good News - that's what we like to see. I'm glad to see you posted early enough so those of us left behind would get to enjoy it.