Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Keala went to the party store with me today to pick up 'tickets' for the Cub Scouts to use but we found a world of Halloween costumes only an enthusiast could love!

Keala suckered me into trying on a hat... and then I got suckered even more into scanning every possible costume to find the perfect one for an 8 year old girl. Unfortunately the prices didn't agree with mom, especially since we already spent over $10 buying her a costume a week ago. Hello! (She still hasn't come to a concrete decision about what she wants to be yet - her inspiration changes daily!)

So as I am looking through my photos on my phone I find this self-portrait of Keala that had me freaked out for a second! I couldn't believe she would take a shot like this! But then the mystery solved itself as I kept looking through all the photos...

Upon closer examination I discover she's not sucking on "you know what", instead we discover we're looking at the end of the stick of a lollipop.

Apparently she took a shot of that too! Thank goodness I have evidence! Beads of sweat have subsided!