Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Kudos to "City Deals"!

I had bought some coupons from "" for 50% off the regular price admission to "Jumpin' Jacks" and a couple other places, and realized yesterday that they were going to expire in 2 weeks. So I decided on the spur of the moment to take the kids for a day out on the town!

Jumpin' Jacks has about 6 jumping gyms which both children and adults can jump in. We have never been there before, and I didn't even know it existed till I found the coupons. Its close to our house just West of Jordan Landing. I lasted about 3 slides down, but the kids played for hours.

We left for lunch to the "Red Rooster Waffle House" (with another 50 % off coupon I got from City Deals.) The kids loved the food, and it looked like we were going to have a good day! Yeah mom!

Keala and Tristan show off their acrobatic skills. These two just never stopped!

Tristan did all sorts of flips and twists... he was in smiles all day long!

When we signed up for the day at "Jumpin' Jack's " we were informed that they had a reptile show in the evening. I didn't think much of it but asked the kids if they wanted to go and they did. So here we are!

Our host, Shane, had a great way of keeping the kids interested and involved. He was very instructional and encouraged the kids to always be courious and try to learn by reading books and asking adults lots of questions. He had a dialogue he seemed to follow, adding a lot of jokes that kept everyone laughing. I was really impressed.

His first animal was a 'cute, fuzzy'... tarantula! The kids were entranced from the beginning!And then he pulled out a scorpion and I thought I was going to die! So he proceeds to take it out of its box and PUT IT IN HIS MOUTH! Hello! (Granted the whole time he's talking the animals in the boxes are thumping around so hard that we are wondering whats coming next!

Look at how curious these kids faces were. I laughed so hard at their expressions!

He waves this lizard over the kids heads and they started to squeal. I was laughing my head off! He shows the kids how long its tongue is. It licked Marina in the forehead from 9 inches away!

I caught this photo on accident, but that how animated Shane was through the whole presentation.

He kept reminding the kids to read about animals in books and be careful with all animals. He asked them a lot of questions and really kept them involved.

A few of the kids came up to help hold the animals...

And then Shane made more jokes, asking the kids "do we wear turtles on our head?"
No! But thanks for the demo though!

This turtle was 85 lbs. He described how we should stay clear of all reptiles if at all possible.
Good instruction... (now that all the kids want to grow up to be just like him!)

I've never seen these kids more focused; the show was an hour long!

Keala volunteered, (she has no fear!) He flattered her with how pretty she is! Ha!
(Just what she needs... more flattery in her life!)

Kai was so aprehensive, I didn't think he would volunteer at all.
I thought Keala was so brave! Until....

He brought out the gloves! That made her nervous!
But he teased he that she would be protected all the way up to her elbows!

Look at her eyes! I couldn't get this in focus, but its priceless!

Shane helps show her how to hold the snake. I was impressed she didn't run away!

I think the kids were pretty warmed up with the other animals he brought out first. If this had been the first I think the room would have cleared in 3 seconds.
(Of course, I was ready to bolt after the scorpion! Creeeepy!)

Look how proud she is! Then Shane takes off her gloves and goes to show her she can hold it with her bare hands and she was gone! She went and sat back down and wouldn't come back up and I couldn't stop laughing for 5 minutes! Thats my girl!

He got other siblings involved to hold more pythons. Their faces were adorable!

Shane informed us that more humans have died from plants than from snakes that constrict.

He said they still bite him sometimes but not often enough to be a problem.

Just as Tristan, Marina, and Kai got up to hold the 20 foot python, my camera's battery died! I'm sorry! (My husband already lectured me about that!) But the kids had a blast! After the show he left the python on the floor for people to touch and brought back out the 85 lb turtle. It walked all over the floor through the kids and parents. It was the coolest show and one of our best days this summer so far! Thank you City Deals! And thank you Jumpin' Jacks!