Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ding Dong, The Witch is Dead...


Have I mentioned how the 4 yr old neightbors ring my door bell?... A THOUSAND TIMES A DAY! Usually they start around 9am.... not this morning! They started at 8am! Every day I tell them the same thing... we don't play until AFTER LUNCH! (I am usually very nice about it too!) But today after the 8:00am doorbell ring and then the 8:45am doorbell ring... I decided it was time for a lecture!

So the doorbell rings so often that we choose to ignore it half the time. The TEENAGERS don't even answer the door anymore! So after ignoring the doorbell for half the day yesterday, I finally answered and it was my friend who was wanting to borrow some camping equipment... Hello!

Ok! Its time for phase II... I'm comin' up with a plan! And it better work!


Nikki Jenson said...

I ignored the flower-delivery guy this afternoon cuz I thought it was a kid! Kasey almost missed her boyfriends flowers! Geez!

Ross and Kathy said...

The problem is, your doorbell button is too low. In the old days doors had knockers, but they were up high. So, either move the doorbell up a couple of feet or disable it and install a door knocker up high - or put a note on the door, "Please Knock". A four year old can't read, so if the doorbell rings you know to ignore it. If it is a loud knock you can count on it being an adult. Just ask the problem solver. : - )

Nikki Jenson said...

Nice Plan!... Lauren suggested I move neighborhoods...