Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Caribbean Cruisers

Brent, Ryan, and Austin flew down to Florida 2 weeks ago, the day after Ryan returned home from his mission.  Since Brent had to guide the tour group and wouldn't see Ryan for ten days, he invited him to go along.  Which lead to the obvious conclusion that Austin should go along with them...  (Its a 'man-thing'!) The vacation consisted of the BYU/ Florida game (and a quick '7-day' trip on a Caribbean cruise!) Heres a photo at the BYU game. (We won't talk about the score!)

 Austin took a snapshot of this sign... pretty hilarious!

 Just a little R & R... not like the whole trip is a little R & R!

 Aboard the ship they had just a couple amenities...  (Brent did this btw!)

Tennis, Rock-climbing, is their anything they don't have? (Btw, they have an ice-skating rink on board!)

The cruise and game were hosted by Lavell Edwards and his wife who later posed with the tour members.

Yes, yes, this is the ship!

A close - up of the ship. Deductive reasoning people... keep up with me!

 A view from off the ship.

 A view on the ship... nice ship, huh?  Anyone up for miniature golf?

 The first stop on the cruise was Haiti, Brent said it was mostly beaches.

This looks like a pretty cool cove.

 The second stop was at Jaimaca where the tour group hiked up to the top of Dunn's River Falls.

We're hiking, we're hiking...

 Hikers were supposed to form a line and hold hands all the way up the falls.

 Austin didn't feel the least bit awkward!

Swimming, or blowing our noses? I dunno, you guess...

So nice to have the occasional trail guide in the form of a humongous sign!

Ooh, pretty picture of the ship!

 Jaimaca really catered to the tourists.

 In Grand Cayman, the same is said for catering to the tourist...  Swim with a dolphin or....

 Watch the show!

 Or pose with a statue/pirate as a pirate?!

 Or pose like a statue/ pirate/confused teenager?

 No comment...

 The views were heavenly... or

 They could be Hell?!  Apparently there is a city in Grand Cayman called 'Hell'. Which begs the question...

 You ever been to 'Hell'?!  They actually thought of sending us a postcard! How nice!

 The last stop of the cruise was at Cozumel were the 'men' visited the Mayan ruins.

Picture #1.

Picture #2.

Picture #3.

Picture #4.

Picture #5.

Picture #6.

Picture #7. ( I didn't know how to narrate through there, hence the numbered pictures?!)

 The boys had a blast.  I think they might have had some of their "best days EVER!"

1 comment:

Ross and Kathy said...

The boys are "Lookin' Good".