Friday, April 15, 2011

Poor Poor Puppy

Some days when I am cleaning house, or working on the computer, I hear the faint sound of a little girl singing, singing, singing.  Its a daily occurance.  She is a happy child.

I glanced in her room to spy all the singing when I caught this glimpse of her jumping, jumping, jumping on the bed. And who was in the middle of all of it? The dog.

Maggie is such a good sport. Some days, I would say, she is a better sport than me.

So Keala just jumped and sang, and the dog just sat and sat, all the while long.

Once Keala paid attention to me, she put on a real show, and did a 'high jump'.  And Maggie just sat.

This is from a day I let Keala borrow the camera again.

And again, Maggie is a good sport.

This is Maggie's chair. She spends most the day looking out the front window in this chair.

Could it be possible that Keala is interrupting a perfectly good doggie nap?

I can hear Maggie thinking "where's mom"?

"Is there a mom in this house?"

"Mom, where are you! Come save me!"
Good, good dog.

1 comment:

Ross and Kathy said...

You know why they say, "It's a dogs life"?