Thursday, May 5, 2011

Bon Voyage!

Last Saturday night Brent and I were packing to go to the airport on Sunday when we heard Keala fall and then scream! Next thing we saw was her 'Harry Potter' arm.... thats code for 'broken'.  It was gross! Brent had to take her to the hospital. (I couldn't look at it!) But Keala did a great job being brave and came home all fixed up (by 2am!)  We were off and out to the airport by the next afternoon!

Brent recieved an invitation to Clearwater Florida from Southwest Vacations for being one of their top travel  producers. About 50 other agents were invited from all over the country who brought guests as well.  This is the beach front of the Sheraton Sand Key Resort were we all stayed. Brent's first day was full of meetings while I relaxed and waited for him to be done. Our first evening we all had a dinner sponsored by Disney World on top of the Hyatt Hotel in Clearwater. We ate a fabulous meal as we watched the sun go down!

Tuesday morning we were invited to the Marriott Hotel across the street for breakfast. You need to know that Clearwater has many peninsulas, so our hotel was on one side of the peninsula while this one, across the street was on the other.  Both were on the water's edge. Thats how big the peninsula was... pretty cool, huh! I have to mention we met a ton of wonderful people on this trip and made a LOT of new friends!

Southwest took us on a tour of Busch Gardens amusement park after breakfast, back in Tampa.  We took chartered buses, and these stilt walkers were waiting for us when we got off.  They split the 80 of us into 2 groups and we were given a private tour of the park. Did I mention how hot it was! (But fun!)

We were taking a count, and Brent got skipped. He had to keep his hand up till someone came to count him.

Busch  Gardens first showed us their Safari park where we saw these lions up closer than I have ever seen before. They were being fed through tiny windows up at the top of these glass walls.  The crowd was in awe, as was I.  These lions are so beautiful when you can really see them so close!

This lion was literally bigger than any large man... and I sware I heard all the tourists saying just that! - "That lion is bigger than me!" She was so beautiful! We all just wanted to hug her! (Kinda)
(Some people said they wanted to ride her!  She literally was the size of a horse!)

Then we rode in the back of a truck through their safari of zebra, ostrich, giraffe, and other (plant eating) animals.  This was the most fun experience I have ever had with wild animals in my whole life!

Doesn't he look like the 'Giraffe Whisperer'!

Brent looks like he's conducting a prayer... maybe they're having a 'thoughtful' moment.

And I'm just a nut, like normal! (Btw, I want you to pay special attention to my hat - its my favorite hat in the whole world!  I'll talk more about that later!)... On to more animals!

The flamingos colors looked so brilliant in the sun, I just had to take their picture!

Ok - This is the ride where I lost my hat on the first big drop! (I was sad the rest of the ride!) When we got off a man was standing by the exit with his 3 year old daughter in a stroller, holding my hat! He had been waiting for some forelorn person to come claim it! That was me! I was so happy! I couldn't believe it! I offered to pay him a dollar but he just laughed and walked away... I was serious!

After the private tour of the park, we had a fabulous lunch and then were given back stage passes to all the rides! These are our new best friends who we did all the roller coasters with, and of course the ONE water ride!  Here we all are soaked after that ride!

At the end of the day, the Hotel sponsered the most fabulous dinner for us out on the beach.  We had tons of king crab legs, oysters, tenderloin, shrimp, steamed vegetables, salad... it was a gourmet feast!

Don't forget the lobster! (You have to know Brent was taking all the pictures of the food!)  He told me prepatory to the meal to not be embarrassed at all he was about it eat.  It was so good though - who could blame him!  (I ate all I could eat too - lets be honest!) ....And gelato for dessert! (With toppings!)

You can't forget a picture by the sunset!

But what would be a more perfect end to such a great day, than our own personal firework show right on the beach!  (Did I mention the band that played great music all night?!  We even danced a few times!)

And then we spend the whole next day riding nothing but the Rockin' Rollin' Roller Coaster at Hollywood Studios in Disney World.  (Ok, most the day we did that! But we also saw some other stuff at Epcot. But mostly spent the whole day on the roller coaster... sometimes you just can't get enough of a good thing!)
The End!


Liz said...

So jealous! That husband of yours sure has the hook ups! Looks like a blast!

Ross and Kathy said...

I'm jealous too.

Hugs from mom said...

That sounds like such a fun trip!

Jacque said...

I'm so glad you had so much fun. So hard to leave Keala in a splint! Those pictures are really gorgeous.