Monday, June 20, 2011

Kai's 2 Birthday Parties!

After flying back from California Wednesday afternoon, I put together a 'family' birthday party for Kai since I was leaving the next morning to go to Youth Conference down in Manti with Brent.

G'pa Bill and G'ma Joan came over for dinner and we had a few presents and, of course, a cake for Kai!  These kids love cake!  And Kai loves presents! Brent was still out of town until late that night, poor guy!

I had to re-light the cake twice because Keala blew it out the first time! Shes her mother's daughter!

Kai spent the first couple days with his dad while we were in California for Lynne's wedding. He had to go right back to his dad's again the next day. I got asked a lot of questions why that was!

 Keala's is pretending to sleep. I guess it was the pose of the day!

This is Kai's 2nd Birthday party with friends which I threw together after getting back in town on Saturday afternoon.  Don't ask how I managed to throw 2 parties in between 2 trips out of town!

Keala just ate the toppings off her pizza... gross! I am glad now that I can officially say my kids are 6 and 8! And I can't believe they are so old! They're not babies any more. Wahhhh!

Here's Birthday Cake #2: chocolate! Kai's request! He was very upset that Cake #1 was vanilla. So how do we remedy the situation? Buy another cake, duh! (Good thing we had 2 parties to go with 2 cakes!)

These are Kai's neighbor friend, and his 2nd cousin Ben. We played pin the bomb on the Star Wars Universe, did a water balloon toss, and had a Darth Vadar pinata! What a party!

The presents just kept coming and coming...

And coming and coming...

And then Justin's parent's Ann and Brent just happened to show up with MORE presents as we were opening presents! What a coincidence!

Awwwh! Cute family!

Darth Vadar Pinata made me really mad!  After one hit from Kai his helmet broke and fell off his face (after all the bucks I payed for it!)  I wrapped him in clear packaging tape and then the cord fell out the top! So then I had to wrap the rope around it! Got very close to sending a heated letter to the pinata manufacturing plant... but what do they care! Next year, I'm building my own=

The point is... Kai had a great week, despite his mom being gone most of it!

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