Yesterday, Kasey and I left at 10am to help G'ma Joan decorate for her family's annual Christmas party. They have about 80 people in attendance each year. We set up 8 tables, in addition to a craft table for the kids, the present table for Santa, a table to write the missionaries etc, etc. Brent's son Ryan is coincidentally serving in the same mission as one of his cousins. We talked to his dad at the party and reminisced at how the 2 boys accidentally ran into each other a while ago, and shared in a happy reunion. Its a neat coincidence, especially for lonely missionaries.

Decorating early helped us remember other things we needed, like music, food accessories, extension cords, etc, etc. We worked all day preparing. Joan has 5 other siblings, so they take turns each year as to who is the host. Thank goodness its another 6 years before we have to do that again. Kasey has worked all week helping Joan with different projects in preparation. The little kids had a blast playing with the others, and making crafts and ornaments.

Brent was in the usual chipper mood, but my energy was slipping fast. Everyone enjoyed lasagna, rolls, cruton salad, while I warmed up my baked potato and grumbly ate it. Sometimes celiac disease bites. But I guess dinner at mom's makes up for that. The tables had beautiful centerpieces, and cups of candies in all sorts, M&M's, chocolate covered raisins, skittles.

But the highlight of the evening was when Santa came. All the kids ran to give him a welcoming hug. Its neat seeing the reaction of little kids' excitement in anticipation for a new toy. My happiness was a little soured by the habit this Santa had at paying more attention to the adults than the little kids. Being a friend of some of the relatives, he talked over the kids, and quickly validated their questions to return to showing off stories of the adults. What can you do? I guess not even Santa is perfect! But the kids still enjoyed him and thats all that matters, I guess.

Maddox was with us this year, since Brent's sister Cindy now lives in Park City. She's a good gran'ma who takes him out a lot. Maddox's other gran'ma is really sick now with leukemia. This may be a tragic year for them, so its good having Cindy here for a number of reasons. We will spend Christmas day up at her home in Park City this year. Yeah for Christmas Day!

Brayden came up with his mom, Leslie on Sunday. But now Leslie isn't feeling well with back problems. She has to go to the doctor every day this week. We are having a rough holiday season, but the kids are being well tended in spite of it all. Brayden and Maddox are staying at G'ma Joan's for the week. They play with Kai and Keala after Kai is out of school. His last day is Wednesday. Kai sure gets excited when the boys come in town to play! The kids are so happy to have so much family around to play with.

Kai got an Iron Man mask and gun. He knows mom helped Santa with these gifts, and he showed his appreciation in kind thanks and loving hugs. Hes such a sweetheart. Earlier in the day he walked in on "The Grinch Stole Christmas" and was under the impression that the Grinch stole the dog that was with him. He started crying and we all had to calm him down. He's a very sensitive kid, in spite of all that energy and gusto. We told him on my birthday that we couldn't go for a hay ride because the company canceled it on account of a little boy falling off last year and dying. Without hesitate Kai immediately broke out crying in concern for the little boy. It caught me off guard and almost made me cry. We had a little talk after that about how all little kids who die go straight back to Heavenly Father and everything is ok. He felt better after that.

Keala got this new babydoll since a 'certain' dog in the house has stolen and chewed up almost all our dolls and stuffed animals. I wanted Keala to know Santa was concerned about that. She was so excited, and has been taking good care of her baby ever since! Keala is very creative and loves to role play with her dolls everyday. She also makes time to do some coloring and helps 'teach' her friends how to color 'better'. Keala also loves reading time at night. She will sit on your lap and let you read for an hour (if you have the time). But g'ma Joan and g'pa Bill love that about her. Because most days you don't know if you are greeting the 'Happy Keala' or the 'Moody Keala', but she will always love to sit on your lap and read. (And she's very concerned if someone has put their name in the book, if not, she's happy to put hers!)

Joan and Bill closed the evening with a few sweet Christmas words. A majority of the Joan's family are active LDS members, so we always have a opening and closing prayer and a special thought on the Savior. I asked Brent why our Ward Christmas Party doesn't have a Santa to come visit and he said they like to keep the theme around the Savior. I guess it does give the activities a better feel when you remember the Christmas Season is to honor the birth of our Lord and Savior. (But I still like a good party to have a Jolly Ol' St. Nick every once in a while!)

Poor Bill tried the close the evening with a nice thought, but it was so hard to hear over those little kids playing with the brand new toys they just got from Santa. Overall the evening was a great success. I talked with Joan this morning and we agreed she and I both slept like babies last night. But she's relieved the parties over so we can focus on the Big Day! I think I get to this point every year where I start to wonder 'when will this be over'! But its still a great time of year, and will be nice to ride the wave of the activities till New Year's Eve, and spent that time relaxing from all the holiday hustle and bustle. Happy Holidays to you All!