You ever find something you really wanna buy, only theres not a good enough excuse to get it until you convince yourself that "You'll get it for you birthday!" Well, thats what Brent did this year. He found a really nice leather jacket on sale and told me he'd count it for his birthday present. (So I did the same thing with a bunch of clothes I bought myself earlier in the month.)

But since he didn't have any gifts to open, I thought the nicest thing I could do would be to turn my brunette hair, back to blonded-highlights. (You have to understand he's been begging me to highlight it ever since I colored it all brown.) Its orange here. I had to go through 3 more toning steps to get it back to blonde after all the brown color I had in it to cover up my stinkin' gray! -Thanks alot dad! ;-)

We all sang Happy Birthday to Brent while the youngest kids crowded around him to blow out the candles when the song was done. (Yes, his birthday cake is in Christmas colors, I thought it was beautifully decorated, and had some snowflake rings on top. Lately the kids love to wear the rings off the cakes I buy. -We eat alot of cake in this family! About twice a month on average! White cake is our favorite - but everybody loves a good chocolate one too!) I bought a cheesecake for myself on the side. Good thing, because this cake was gone in 24 hours!

Right as we sang the last words of the song, Brent quickly blew out all his candles and turned to the kids and laughed in their faces. It was hilarious. Keala found it funny, but you can see Kai's reaction in this picture. As soon as Kasey saw it, she couldn't stop laughing. Such a Kodak moment!

Kai got over the dissappointment quickly, and we all enjoyed cake. By the way, I got Brent a Christmas decorated cake and asked the bakery attendee to write "Happy Birthday" on it. He looked suprised and asked "Happy Birthday?!" And I said yes. After he handed it back to me, I wished I hadn't asked. I looked up at him, and noticing his hispanic descent, realized why the words newly enscribed on his cake looked like a 4 yr old had written them! What can you do! At least he wrote the lettering correctly... I was actually impressed by that.

And with that, a Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
Don't blame me for your gray hair, it came from my mothers side of the family. Actually, it's just a sign of AGING! Me lol.
OMG Kai's face is so hilarious there!
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