This was our favorite Christmas photo but it wouldn't print up well, it stayed dark and foggy, so we had to retake the photo. We were bummed.
The was actually our MOST favorite, but we didn't want to scare anyone. Again, the picture wouldn't print well so you will see a different photo of us when you get our card this week.

So we spent a couple days a few weeks ago, baking, baking, and more baking. Mom's feet were killing her. One day we spent on the gingerbread house, and the other day on the cookies.

The kids HAD to do gingerbread cookies because the neighbors did and even the 'library'! I got reprimanded that our gingerbread house didn't look like the one at the library! Hello!

So after spending 6 hours on my feet making cookies, I finally sat down to eat lunch at 3 o'clock when Keala opened up this $6 container of silver candy balls, upside down! Thousands and thousands of silver balls rolled all over my kitchen floor. (That was a 'medication' moment!) It took half an hour to vacuum. (And I went for a long drive afterwards to de-tox!) I can't believe we actually had some balls left in the container!

This would be Keala's lunch. My kids love cheese quesadillas (in corn tortillas).

Here's the evidence, they eat a ton of these every day. Our usual assortment of meal options is: bananas, apples, mac-n-cheese, hot dogs, quesadillas, and cereal. 'We' have a hard time venturing out of those selection items. I figure its not worth the fight. (Otherwise I end up yelling, and I have a goal EVERYDAY to NOT end up yelling!)

Just to prove to dad, I am still eating vegetarian. This was MY lunch. (So good!) Except tomorrow my mother-in-law is taking me to In-N-Out for my birthday! Yeah!

My husband is so happy he has a job now! He actually shaves his face EVERY day (yeah for me!) and, he dresses SOOoo handsome, I just can't resist getting my hands on him!

Kai and Keala still spend every Saturday with their papa, where he takes them to different places for different activities. Yesterday they went to see Santa Clause. I had to ask if it was the 'Real' Santa Clause or one of his helper's. (I got a different answer from each of them!) An old man in our ward is one of 'Santa's Helpers' and grows out his beard every fall... he gave Kai a ride to school last week cuz mommy was sick. Kai thought that was cool!

The kids are so excited to see what Santa brings them this year that I get new additions to their Santa-Wish-List everyday! But I have to remind them that Santa has all the other kids to see, so he can only get us a couple of presents! But they will be cool! We are so excited! Especially moving the advent calendar closer to Christmas Eve every day!

Last of all, we still have our personality intact! But 'we' are getting sweeter everyday, with many more hugs and kisses to mom, and lots of "I love you's". Such a sweet season and special time of year. We are all very excited! Hope you are all having a fun holiday season as well!
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