Austin was asking if I had a 35mm camera to use for his photo class as school. I lent it to him after pulling out a few rolls of film that I told Justin I would develop over a year ago. These are photos he took of Keala and Kai. Most of them are of Keala's 3rd birthday.

I remember Keala's 3rd birthday. I could barely move; I didn't know I had mono at that point. I took the kids to Walmart and was barely able to walk around. I thought I would do cake, balloons, decorations, the whole works for her birthday. But I got home and couldn't even wrap her presents, I just handed them to her and felt lame... forget the cake and all the other stuff.

I dropped the kids off with their grandparents to go to Mindy's for Keala's birthday. I came home and crashed at 4pm. When I woke up at 7pm I tried to watch tv for an hour and just couldn't. I was confused at how tired I was. It was then that I realized 'something' must be wrong with me. The next week I saw a doctor. (Then that weekend I met my future husband online... not a moment too soon! Our courtship will always be a fairytale to me!)

I always meant to thank Mindy for doing this birthday party for Keala. Looking back, I realize I would never have been able to do it. I didn't know how sick I was (and tired.) Being a single mom at that point was getting VERY old. Thank goodness the end was just around the corner.

I am so glad that Justin took so many pictures of Keala's birthday. Up until today I had no pictures of her 3rd birthday. I felt awful. This is such a treasure to find. She is such a precious, little princess. Some days I miss her long hair, but she's such a cutie in her pixie cut. It just fits her.

These pictures were taken December 2006. I had taken a nap, thinking my kids would be alright for a few minutes. They played nice and quiet, and when I got up and opened my door, I realized why they had been so quiet.

They were playing with markers (thats whats on their faces)... and they colored EVERY SINGLE wall in our apartment. Both of them! In their bedrooms, down the halls, in the living room and kitchen... every wall colored with stick figures. No one to blame but myself.

These guys were so cute at this age. And had so much life and energy. I am so glad they were oblivious to what was going on in our lives at the time. I think if they had emotional reactions to the situation, it would have been just the thing to put me right over the edge. But they were always happy and I was always grateful for that.

Such a beautiful baby. I loved watching my kids sleep. (I loved the silence!) But it was a sweet peaceful silence as well. Most nights it was never quickly, usually taking an hour. So the silence was definitely earned. I made sure to check on them every time before I went to sleep.

Good night moon, good night chair, good night people everywhere.
What cute pictures of the kids! Also, I'm quite impressed by the size and scale of their drawings (on the walls). My kids both draw so tiny that I don't find the marker on the wall til months later when I'm rearranging the closets :)
I have to agree, way cute pictures. I don't know how you survived the marker fiasco, that would've put me over the edge.
Those are beautiful photos. I'm so glad you found them!
Nikki, I am in tears. What a treasure, I love all the pictures. I remember that marker/wall incident. What a fiasco! You did the single mother thing with such grace and patience, I will always admire you.
Those are really sweet photos. Except the marker one. That one almost gave me a heartattack. I hope you just painted over it all instead of trying to clean it. Crazy. But they're so cute when they're asleep. That's why it's my favorite time of day.
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