Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Birthday Blues

Saturday night Brent's kids drove back in town from seeing 'The Phantom of the Opera' together in Vegas. (Yes, just the 3 of them - they had a blast!) They got back early enough for all of us to go pick out a Christmas tree before the little kids' bedtime. It took all of 5 seconds for Brent to find the tree he wanted (no help from the kids). I might have been a little more cheery in this picture if Keala hadn't tripped over a pole and face-planted in the only mud puddle on the whole lot.  She was a good sport in this shot, not me though!

So, my birthday-Day is over now. (Boo Hoo!) But it was great! Keala wanted some Christmas earings so good ol' Walmart hooked us up with some little treasures for only $2 a piece. (Got myself some jingle bell bracelets which Keala asked me to take off after an hour of it annoying her!)

I love cheesecake!  So Brent bought me some and we ate it after dinner... (which he spent an hour on making!) What a hunk!  Earlier I had lunch with my 2 best-est friends and then spent the rest of the afternoon dragging my husband around the mall... couldn't have been a more perfect day!  (I really was shopping for him!) My BFF asked me when I told her we were shopping for Brent... "isn't that like him going fishing on your anniversary?!"  Yes, I forgot about that - we all had a good laugh over it!

Kai and Keala begged me to let to them open my presents... (nothing like having an argument in the middle of your Birthday party!)  Brent bought me lots of G.F. cookies... yum!  I found a nice fleece jacket, (which I bought and wrapped myself)... and a long brown sweater (which I love!) and wore for the rest of the night! (We're twinners now Bre!)

So after giving in to my kids and letting them open my last few presents, I sat around the rest of the night and did absolutely nothing! Yeah for me! Except Brent and I stayed up to10:30 and watched 'Prince of Persia'. (Hey thats late for us!) - But its a great movie and we had to watch it before Brent and Austin leave this weekend for the BYU game in Albuquerque with Brent's BFF, Brian and his son! (Apparently its tradition).

What a cute Birthday girl! (Hee hee hee!) I had such a great day - thank you everyone for your phone calls, and Birthday wishes on Facebook (gotta love it!) Each year gets better and better! Here's to another one!


Breanne said...

What? Just because I wear that long black sweater everytime you see me? lol I'm glad you had a good day!

Ross and Kathy said...

What a great bunch of pics. Sounds like you're a happy camper - wanna go on another pioneer campout?

Jacque said...

Ummm shopping and buying your own presents and wrapping them yourself??? I don't know. I think you should be the one running off to Vegas or Albuquerque (although I'm not sure that's the destination I'd pick). The cheesecake was spot on, though. Yum!