Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Got Elf?!

I am a North Pole Elf.
I will sit upon your shelf.
I come to you Thanksgiving Day.
I watch the kids and how they play.
I need you to take care of me,
And try not to touch me please.
A name for me you'll have to pick,
Just please don't call me Tim or Nick!
Each morning I sit in a different place,
I like to have a change of pace.
Kids should behave because you see,
Every night I have to leave.
I tell Santa if you've been good.
So keep watch for that foul mood!

Each night I make a full report.
So try to be a proper sport.
The naughty kids will not be pleased.
When it comes time for Christmas Eve.
I leave with Santa the night he comes,
but you should have a lot of fun
With presents and gifts that he will bring,
If you're the kid who's behaving!


Jacque said...

I think you should make one of those for each of us for Christmas Eve! cute!

Ross and Kathy said...

I'm beginning to think your elf is a little creepy - like an evil doll. So, here's a link to creepy, evil doll movies and tv shows. http://www.roberthood.net/obsesses/evildolls.htm