Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Butler Annual Christmas Party

Monday night we all headed up to Coalville for G'ma Joan's family's Christmas Party.
Santa and Keala had a VERY long conversation. It appears she needs something of a particular size!

Leslie took these photos on her cell phone. We all forgot our cameras! 

Kai is just happy to be here!      Whats new?

Brayden and Leslie are up from California again until New Years Eve.

Maddox lives in Murray with his G'ma Kathy but is spending the week with us.
(If he still isn't the cutest bug I've ever seen!)

Always a nice reunion for the family. One of Ryan's cousins at the party had served with him on his mission - they had a nice big hug for each other! (Boys can be so cute sometimes!)

Just wanted to throw in Brayden's karate shot... impressive!

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