Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Amazing Disney Dream Cruise!

Up again at 7am (5am Utah time).  These early mornings are not just killing Kai, but all of us! We were supposed to have our luggage in the hall at 7:30.  We weren't ready and litterally threw everything in any suitcase and threw it in the hall. We had nothing other than snacks in my backpack for the day!

Thank goodness they gave us bags of breakfast treats on the way to the ship.  It was an hour drive!  Its amazing how my husband can sleep sitting up!

Once at the dock, they had us seated for an hour long Christening Celebration.... pretty impressive!

I don't know how many hundreds of people were there, but this show was mostly for press, travel agents, and any other publicity that Disney invited on the cruise. Nice program!

The kids hated taking pictures in the sun.  They loved the show though!

The whole performance was one dance after another, with quick announcements in between.  But just full of entertainment, and music, and dancing!

We probably saw almost every Disney character represented in this program.

You have to look closely, but right on cue, all the Ship's Cast Members were standing on the balconies waving streamers and dancing to music... it was impressive!

The show ended with fireworks, dancing, a big band, boom, and a bang!

Brent was thrilled to see how far this company goes to impress its audience!

We saw all the 'Princesses' which was great for Keala, and some other performers were highlights for Kai!

Although we were tired, and had the sun in our eyes, we were really entertained!  Kai had a few qualms with little black bugs flying around, but other than that, the show was a hit!

After the Christening Performance they set up tables and served appetizers to us for almost 2 hours! It was a long wait, and we each started to lose our nerves by the end.

The show being at 10am, and appetizers at 11am, we finally boarded the ship at 1pm. Not a moment too soon for Kai... he was ready to move on!  First we had lunch and then toured the ship.

Kai was begging to go into the pool but we hadn't had our luggage delivered to our room yet. The poor kid was losing his mind.  Our luggage didn't come until after 5!  Poor Kai... but he got in a quick soak before we rushed them off to the next show.

We were scheduled for an 8:30 dinner, so we saw the 6:30 show.  Kai was not happy about being pulled away from his swim time (after he had to wait so long for his luggage!)  These girls were invited to be a part of the performance.  Kai opted out. 

Do you recognize the little girl in the pink shirt?

Heres a better picture! Seven kids were picked from the audience to help substitute for the 7-Dwarves. Unbenounced to us, we didn't know they would come out dauning beards!  The audience loved it!

I felt like I missed the whole thing because my nose was stuck behind the camera. 

But Keala had a blast and thats what was important!

The acting was pretty impressive.  Cruella came up to the audience and a man in the front row ran up and kissed her hand.  I think she was stunned but played along well with it!

The kids loved seeing their favorite characters.

Alot of the routines were song and dance.

But the stage presentations were amazing!  I loved every minute of it!

Kai took a while to warm up (it was a rough day) but he was pretty pleased by the end. Kids always love when Mickey and Minney come out!

We especially loved coming back to our room after dinner and seeing the towel animals with our own sunglasses on them!

Don't ask me why Keala has this face, but the kids had to fight over who slept on top. Thank goodness for the rules of  'taking turns'!

Out bed had was separated by a curtain which was nice so the kids could sleep with a nightlight on, and we could sleep in total darkness.  If its not completely dark, Brent will find a way to kill any hint of light! We were so exhausted, we all slept like babies!  Disney even sells these beds AND  the linens because they are so comfortable!


Ross and Kathy said...

HOLY COW! Does Brent want to adopt a couple more kids (slightly older). Sure seems like a once in a lifetime experience. We're glad you had fun (to the power of 10).

Jacque said...

Poor Kai! The Tower of Terror freaked me out when I was 16! That looks like a lot of fun!