Thursday, January 6, 2011

All I Want for Christmas...

I was absolutely shocked when Kai came home from spending the night at G'ma Joan' to show he lost his tooth just days before Christmas.  He was in the middle of pulling the second one out...

This kid did it all by himself! I couldn't believe it! (Like I still can't believe he taught himself how to ride his bike!) How do I miss these things!

I was so proud of him!  Just 2 days before Christmas, both front teeth! Can Santa bring that?!

Both kids begged every day to open presents. Finally I agreed, here are the first few pictures!

Kai is now in love with Legos... I don't know how this started!  But he was thrilled with all of them!

Everybody is getting in the mood for the holidays! Look Meeja... this one's for you!

Brent and I had to keep secret of his new calling as Bishop all through the holidays until he was sustained this last Sunday. I wished we could have talked to family sooner! This Christmas was very different for us for this reason.  I have to tell you, a secret like this has some 'weight' to it!

However, this was my favorite 'secret' of the season... suprising my kids with a Disney vacation!

I decorated a huge refrigerator box and plastered the inside with pictures of the Disney cruise boat.

Keala is so excited that we read from the brochure almost every day... just to have a little 'imagination'!  We are full of that around here!  She's already started writing in a journal.  The first sentence says "What will it be like!"  I don't even know how to answer that! I am just as excited as the kids are! (Maybe more than Kai!)

Kai is excited, but I think he's more into playing with all the presents he got! He 'lives in the now'!

Our family room was packed with presents and people. (We kept kicking out the dog!)

Brent's kids were patient to wait for my kids to get back from their dad's house around noon.

The big balloons came out of the 'Disney Vacation' box.  I thought it would be easy to wait for the little kids to get home, but found myself getting a little antsy towards the end.

Brent bought a Blue-Ray player as a suprise for the whole family. I was suprised!  But I think everyone had a good Christmas this year.  Now onto a Happy New Year! We are excited to see Ryan start at BYU this January. Kasey finishes her 2nd year of college this next semester.  Austin finishes his Senior year in High School, starting college in the fall!  And Brent starts his new calling as Bishop.  So many new frontiers... "to infinity and beyond!"


Barney Family said...

Awesome fun!!

Ross and Kathy said...

Looks like a wonderful Christmas with everybody happy. The kids look great. Thanks for all the great pics.

Breanne said...

Wow, you had an eventful Christmas! I wanna go on the Disney cruise, too!!!!!

Jacque said...

Dang, I'm not sure how you survived your holiday. I'm glad you have so many exciting things right around the corner! =)

Bethany Gilson said...

Nik! What a great Christmas. I wish I was going on the Disney Cruise too! Congrats to Brent on the new calling!