Saturday, January 22, 2011

Our Disney Cruise Adventure at Castaway Cay!

The kids were so excited to get up and go play on the beach.... well, lets be honest, they were excited to do just about anything and everything!

We took a tram to one of the 3 beach areas (we landed on the best one!) The island is called Castaway Cay (Cay sounds like 'Key').  The kids went straight to the water and started right away playing in the sand.

The air was REALLY warm, but the water was REALLY cold!

Behind Kai and Keala was a water slide area. You had to swim out to it.  The kids were more interested in collecting sea shells and bringing them back to us.

After a while Keala was ready to try the slide.  She spent a half hour going down over and over.  Brent stayed by watching her as I stayed to look out for Kai.

I got a few good shots of her and ran to rent an inner tube for Kai, and later Keala wanted one.

Brent and I stayed in the shade drinking water and Pina Colada's! mmm yum! We waited to the last minute to grab lunch, but barely got in before they started closing down. We left about 2pm to try to get into a 3:30 show. Everyone needed to be back on the ship by 3pm, and then ship left about 5pm.

Back in our room we found another towel animal. The kids were thrilled and then we were off to the show.

After the show the kids went to the play area and Brent and I walked around and snacked on ice cream, pizza, and fries.  What could be better! ... Wait! Keala said Belle came to see the kids in the playroom! Jealous!

We watched the sun go down and slowly the ship sailed away from Castaway Cay.

The last night is always a little sad.  But once the kids were done playing, Brent took them shopping for souveniers and then we went to dinner.

Yeah~!  A picture with Chip and Dale! The cool thing on the ship was seeing so many characters walk around and be able to take a photo without having to wait in a half hour line!

The last day on cruise they celebrated a pirate theme. So the kids wore their pirate bandanas.

During dinner the murals on the walls turned into aquarium views of the fish from "Finding Nemo". None of the 20+ pictures had the same scene.  "Crush" the hip sea turtle came by to every table and interacted with the audience. It was so fun to watch. After Brent took this picture he said 'hey man, you need to warn me first so I can pose".  And then he held a pose.  It was so funny!

Our server was 'May'.  She was really sweet to the kids and Keala just loved her. Here they are dancing. I forgot to take a photo of 'Sasa', our Croatian waiter.  I could barely understand what he said, but he kept coloring with the kids and bringing them origame animals that he made out of menu paper. He was a cutie!

After dinner we headed up deck for the fireworks show.  Brent was impressed they did such a good job on a moving ship.  The air was sooooo warm.  The show was great, and two seconds after it was over the air got colder and it started to rain! Hows THAT for timing!

The fireworks didn't even move in the sky, its like the ship wasn't even sailing... but we were!

All night they had fun pirate activities, games, and  pirate shows.  They covered the pools with a wooden deck and the kids danced and played games with cast members dressed as pirates.  We watched a cute pirate show with all the Mickey Mouse characters before dinner.  Then after dinner they had different show after the fireworks.  Really great entertainment!  Then off to bed!

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