Friday, April 8, 2011

I looked out the Window and what did I see...

While cleaning Kai's room this morning, I looked out the window and saw these Tulips and thought "Is this a scene out of the Steve Martin movie, 'Father of the Bride'?!"  How are tulips expected to grow in snow! Its an injustice is what I'm thinking!  Whats worse... when will it end!

Poor little Tulips! 
And now for pictures out Brent's tour bus window:

I love how theres a flash in every picture! He was in Washington D.C. this week for a business meeting.
Finally here are some pictures OUTSIDE of the tour bus window:

I love this last photo!

1 comment:

Ross and Kathy said...

I like it too. Did you get all the finger prints removed before Brent got home?