Brent and I were awake before 7 and hurried to hide the 'goodies' before the kids jumped on the scene. We actually made Keala watch a half hour of tv at 8 before Kai got up... let sleeping dragons lay! We tried to wake the teenagers, to no avail. So we let the kids go wild!

Mom got too busy painting Keala's room all weekend to remember to color eggs. But they had done that with their dad this weekend, so they didn't miss out on too much. But we still hid all the candy eggs from Sam's Club. I bought every kid their own package (to avoid arguments) and just for fun!

After working sun-up to sun-down yesterday, Brent and I were spent! But we still enjoyed watching the kids be kids. I was bummed the 'older' kids slept through it all... but what can you do? Everyone missed being in California for the yearly 'Jenson' Easter holiday tradition.

Kai was so excited to find the Easter eggs. How come kids have to scream every time they find one? In our house... that was 128 screams! (minus a few we still can't find... a few tears were shed for those.) Nonetheless, a rather successful Easter egg hunt with just 2 kids, and 2 tired adults (VERY tired adults!) (Pictures of Keala's room to be posted soon!)

Each package of eggs came with 32 candy filled eggs. Then the kids had baskets (or gift bags) filled with a few of their favorite goodies. Keala got her 4th Zhu Zhu pet (why do kids love these?) Since the teenagers were still incognito, Keala checked out their stashs' too!

I had to play 'Easter goodie monitor' with this one... I was getting worried she'd steal treats from Kasey's bag and quietly relocated them to her own bag. (Man, she takes after her mom! Right Auntie Lauren?!)

Kasey got the 'Bug' eggs. Keala got the Princess ones, Kai the Dinosaur ones, and Austin the Sports ones. (Mostly they liked the candy inside!) But the little kids love these things! How is it great things come in small packages? We have been 'egg' hunting for what seems all day today!

Of course mom made more decorated cupcakes. The neighbor 'twins' came by to visit Kai and Keala and compare Easter loot! They kept checking on my cupcakes to ask if I had any 'extra'. (If I had more EGGS I would have made a batch just for them!) But for some reason I was all out of eggs this weekend! I even had to borrow some from Joan just to make this frosting! (Its called Swiss 'Meringue' Buttercream.)

The Meringue gives it a beautiful color, but its basically just one cup of sugar (and 5 egg whites!) and a whole pound of butter! No kidding. I just kept telling everyone to scrape off the frosting and eat the rest. (I couldnt watch! Keala JUST wanted the frosting! gaaahhh!)

Cousin Maddox came to dinner again with his dad Aaron, and G'ma Cindy. One of you sisters asked Cindy if Maddox was her son... she loved that! But we had a good laugh about it.

G'pa Bill hid eggs too... only they were filled with dollar bills. Can you tell my son is a little excited about this?! Each kid collects their own colors (so they all find the SAME amount of mula!)

Keala searched G'pa's office for all the blue eggs while the boys were out in the livingroom looking for the yellow and purple. It sure is cute watching these kids never tire of the same game all day long!

Look at that Maddox smile! This is exciting stuff people! We should do this every day!

Why are the teenagers still sitting! C'mon people... theres eggs to be found! (Except they were the ones who hid them, so they helped the kids find them! Kinda cute!)

4 Family generations here. Aaron is Bill's grandson, and Maddox is his great-grandson. This is a cute picture. Aaron is Cindy's son... for my sister who asked... and Maddox is Aaron's son.

Aunt Cindy brought the kids bubble -maker machines for Easter. Boy was that the highlight of the day! Kai set the makers side by side on the deck and then jumped off the deck into all the bubbles. He had a blast. We ran out of bubbles really fast!

Keala wanted to join Kai in the jumping but I warned her not to. Her sandals have small heals on them and after jumping and hurting her ankle she decided mom was right. How come we're right AFTER the kids hurt themselves?! I can hear you grunting dad! I was the most ignorant, self-inflicting-pained kid I know! Oh the stories... garage doors, roofs, bunk-beds, amusement park rides... you name it, I've been hurt on it (or hurt someone else!) Anyways... Happy Easter!
This is a really cute post! The pictures of your kids are adorable!
I agree.
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