Does this girl love to pose or what! If I am too tired of taking (a thousand) pictures of her she asks me "Mom, why are you so grumpy!" (Well, gee! I don't know!)

Poor Keala is so bored with mom working so many hours on spreadsheets for our Pioneer Trek food order. But thank goodness she loves the hot tub... and its right outside my window where I work on the computer! But before she went out the back door she saw this crawling on the wall...

I went to kill it with my shoe but it disappeared. So I went back to work while Keala played outside. Then right as I got off a phone call, something caught my eye directly above me! I don't even know if it was the same one! But I think it was coming to get me!

So, it had a red thing-a-ma-jigger on its back... is that something I need to be worried about? I sprayed it down with something lethal that I could only buy in Mexico. It fell to the floor and wiggled and wrythed the same way the Evil Wicked Witch of the West did when she was melting. Is that cool or what!

On a positive note... Is live or is it "Memorex"? Anyone remember that commercial? (Its missing an eye too!)

C'mon people! Would I be resting my feet up on the desk if this thing were real! (No comments about fat feet!)
I love your posts. I am so completely envious (righteous????) of your hot tub. That is on my someday list.
No wonder you have problems with your computer - you have a one-eyed mouse.
Dad you're funny - ha ha!
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