Keala and I visited my sister Jacque last week to see her new baby. She and cousin Ella played dress-up for hours!

Many of my friends hear me talk about my 4 other sisters and their kids but I thought I would take a minute to point them out individually. (With the help of their own photos from their blogs.) This is Jacque with her fourth baby, Ian, just a few short weeks ago.

Ian was born March 30th (just the day after Keala's birthday!) He's the youngest of four children. (Yes, there will be a test at the end of this post!)

This is Will, the oldest brother of new baby Ian. I love how little kids hold babies! Precious!

Here are Ella and Alex gazing on newborn baby Ian in the hospital. They're so cute!

I love little Alex's personality. He's full of spunk and will tease with all the adults (even thought he's shy)... so cute!

This is Breanne, the youngest of all of us, with her first baby, Jane, who was born January 26th. The next few photos are all my favorites of baby Jane (that I stole off Bre's blog - thanks!)

This is my mom with baby Jane. I love her expression... she looks just like all the rest of us when G'ma Bobbi shares her wisdom! (ha aha ha!) ...just kidding mom!

All the cousins are crowded around Jane at Keala's birthday party. I love the dress Jane!

Look at Erika's happy face! Thats just the magic and joy that new babies bring in the world!

Here are my oldest sister, Erika's kids. The oldest is neice Matti, with her sister Merri, and younger brother Jack. They live just around the corner from us (in West Valley).

And lastly this is my sister Lauren (with husband, Ryan) and her kids at Disneyland last month. Lauren is only 18 months younger than me. But she lives the farthest away in Spanish Fork.

I love this picture of her daughter, Eden with Belle. Eden has been growing off the charts since she was born. Shes only 6 months older than Keala, but a whole head taller (for a 5 yr old, she already fits in size 7 clothes). But she's a cutie! Her dad told her at Disneyland that she was a princess too... and she said "then how come I didn't see myself!" Yeah, no kidding!

I love Cameron with Snow White. Look at all the little princesses in the background! Cute!

This is Lauren's youngest, Austin. The cutest bug in a rug! I love his face- a real heartbreaker!

Dallin, Cameron, and Eden standing in line for a ride - perfect time for a photo!

Thought I would throw in a photo of G'pa Ross with the grandkids!
So that was a rundown of all my nieces and nephews. Sorry I dont have any new pictures of Adam, but he doesn't have any kids right now... well, at least none that we KNOW of. Ha! Just kidding Adam! This is my sibling rundown.... Oldest - Erika, (Me), Lauren, Adam, Jacque, Breanne. Now all my friends should know who I am talking about when I mention my sisters or their kids.... Right?! (Bwah hahaha!)
talk about motley crew!
I think this is cheating... you should have to come to all of our houses and take your own pictures for this! HA! just kidding.
Where was the test? Your next post has to have different photos of us and your friends have to name us all in order! I don't think they'll have any trouble spotting baby Jane, since she dominated this post!
Cute post but just fyi "Austin" is my youngest and Dallin is my oldest. Does this mean you failed your own test?
Thank goodness for "Edit"... problem fixed Lauren... but did you notice no one else caught that either?!
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