Friday, February 13, 2009

Kasey's YW Medallion Night

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I was trying to get a photo of Kasey while she was getting her medallion but, unfortunately, all of G'ma Joan's pictures were blurry. (Cuz she had a good one of Brent crying his eyes out. Ok! Just kidding!) But this was the best one I could find. Unfortunately its the only one that turned out from all the pictures that night. Thats ok! Theres always more in the future!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Austin's Artwork

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I bet you wanna know how I did this! It only took 3 hours to learn!, but Bre could learn much faster, so call her instead! Ok! I will give you a clue if you wanna know! Its called "Picassa3"!

"Kasey J"!

Kasey went to her school's Valentine Dance on Saturday with her boyfriend, Tyler. Isn't he a cutie! Sunday night she had her "Young Women's in Excellence" program where she recieved her Young Women's Medallion. It was a very special program. Her grandmothers gave the prayers. Brent, the Bishop, and Leslie Nelson, one of her Y.W. leaders gave talks. They all spoke of the wonderful person shes grown to be and gave much of the credit to her dear mother. It was a very touching evening. I am a little jealous I did not get to know her mom at all because of seeing the great kids she's raised. She must have been a truly incredible woman. There wasn't a dry eye in the room...even Brent had "something in his eye"! I will post more of those pictures later.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Where do we come from?!

So, only a few minutes before Keala was supposed to be rushed off to school in a costume resembling the culture(s) she's from, I frantically call Erika to ask her... where are we from? We have no idea! (Except somewhere in the European countries, like the Ukraine?) So, considering the fact that it doesn't matter since I do not have costumes of our ancestors in all sizes and ages for children and/or adults, I just skip it! I put one of my big white shirts on her, tie two ribbons around her waist and put a fake white flower in her hair and send her off with a note explaining we are from "Austria" and the flower in her hair represents the nation's "eidelweiss" flower. Ha! I am still laughing about it. Who cares! Shes 3 years old and all she remembers is that it was a "dress-up" day and thats good enough for her. So, the question remains... anyone know where the heck we're from?