Saturday, December 31, 2011


I've been hearing people talk about the "Hunger Games" books for a while now. My friend Kelly, force-fed me threats that if I didn't read the first book by this week she was going to hunt me down. I spent a couple of days thinking of excuses to give her until our neighbor brought it over for Austin to read. Since that wasn't happening... I put it on my desk (with his permission) and looked at it, debating for a day or two if I really wanted to pick it up. FINALLY... I said to myself if I got a certain way through it and wasn't impressed I would put it down. 12 hours later I was done, cuz I COULDN'T put it down.  The next day the 2nd book was done in 10 hours, the day after that, the 3rd book was done in 8 hours!

I don't want to 'force' any of you to read it, but I haven't ever loved a book like that! (Even though Harry Potter got me quite mesmerized!) I've got all 3 of these on my Kindle and I'm positive they'll be re-read over and over. LOVED IT! (I really can't explain why, just did!)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Presents, Presents, Presents...

I remember last year feeling heartbroken watching all my hard work of wrapping get thrown down the drain in a matter of minutes. So I told my dad this year I was stuffing all the gifts in brown paper grocery bags and stapling them closed. (Not kidding.) Needless to say, I got a lecture and he talked me out of it.... (except a week later after wrapping all his wife's presents he confessed it might not have been a bad idea.) And he tells me AFTER I did all of this!...

So heres my proof! 7 big bags of wrapped boxes for 5 kids, 2 parents, and one dog (no, I can't forget the dog!). I guess I can't complain since the house if full of 5 great kids, and 2 pretty decent (for the most part) parents, (and a pretty cool dog!). And all over the country- we have awesome sets of grandparents!, As well as amazing siblings just a phone call away, and friends around every corner! (...12 loaves of chocolate chip pumpkin bread and 9 loaves of banana bread would attest!) So, no, not a whole lot of complaining this holiday season, just wish I had thrown the gifts in brown paper bags and stapled them shut!  (I can't tell if my back feels worse from all the wrapping or all the baking... Except I was wrapping on the floor - I think that did it!)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Christmas Bug

I have been very bothered this year by the Christmas music that starts playing on radio stations the day after Halloween! I've boycotted all those stations until this week. I am finally settling into the Christmas Spirit. (now that it's only a week away from Christmas) But having a BIRTHDAY always helps! (No, I still haven't decorated... I think maybe next year!)

And nothing is quite better than a present I get from "ME" to "ME"...

Yes, I wrap my own presents and most of them typically are "from" certain members of the family... like this one 'ironically' from Brent. (He liked my effort on supporting his team.) I actually might wear it once or so.

Gan'ma and Gran'pa joined us for a delicious dinner that Brent prepared for everyone after we spent hours cleaning the house and rearranging furniture. (Yes, that actually was my birthday wish.) Who's suprised?!

And of course my children were there. (I always include them in the gifts.) Here they are enjoying their candy 'Star Wars' light savers (yes, they light up!) Its the only way to keep them busy so I can unwrap my own presents myself. Hey, I wrapped them... I should be able to un-wrap them!

And here I am lighting my nose-hairs on fire! Priceless!
(Yes, its gluten-free chocolate cake mix.) Brent was suprised it tasted so good! (Me too!) Go Betty Crocker!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

A dialogue among Siblings....

So my brother Adam, emails this out to all his sisters titled, "For all you moms out there":

This is the conversation that followed:

Me:  "I can take a hint! anyone notice... I don't swim! (or ride bikes, or run...) Hmmm..."

Adam: "Lol, its your lucky day! You can enter as a relay team! If you ask nicely, you might be able to get Erika on your team for the swim portion. The test will be to see if three of you combined can keep up with Lauren. Mwahahahaa...."

Lauren: "Are you challenging me Adam? Game on Sista's"  (- this is written by a person whose been doing triathalons for over 2 years now!)

Adam: "OOOOoooo... I believe the gauntlet has been thrown!"

Jacque: "I am really glad that Breanne and I are not included in this match up. I'm not sure if Erika really appreciates it though."

Adam: "Thats cuz YOU guys are doing the WHOLE THING!"

Jacque: "ha ha You are very funny"

(The next morning I wake up to this email:)

Erika: "I'm pretending not to have read this...."

Monday, December 5, 2011

Friday, December 2, 2011

I loved this so much - I had to steal it!

My sister Breanne put this picture on her Facebook page. I love it!
 Bre - is this in your own neighborhood?