Sunday, November 29, 2009

Cleanliness is a Virtue

All the cousins left Saturday morning at 11, right around the time Kai's dad came to pick them up for the day. Kai and Keala's rooms looked awful. Somehow I got the notion to CLEAN HOUSE. I only do a thorough cleaning like this every other month. It feels like I just did this a couple weeks ago! Nevertheless, I set out to accomplish my goal. For two hours I cleared out the trash from Kai's room, reorganized all the toys, and updated his clothes making bags for D.I. and throwing worn clothes in the trash. Of course, Maggie doesn't help with all her play-biting cuz half of Kai's shirts have holes in them. The bat and ball rack was made by Kai's Great-Grandfather.

Brent helped me moved Kai's bed a few feet from the window, which let more light in the room. It also allows his rocking chair to be out of the way so he can reach his toy bins under his bed. They had been up in his closet and every time he pulled them down we'de hear a loud crash. It dawned on me to put the lightweight dress-ups and costumes up in the closet and all the toys under the bed. Duh! After I was done with his room I had such a feeling of accomplishment! Then Brent left at 1 to go to the BYU game and I started on Keala's room...

I did more furniture rearranging here too. The bookshelf is full of Disney Videocassette movies that all the families have collected over the years. I wouldn't be suprised if she had every one. I also put the Alphabet above her bed since 'we' are just starting to learn the letters. The 'castle' over her bed is a stick on that I've had for the last 6 months and haven't put it up yet. (I had hoped to repaint her room first.) Forget that!

I also moved her desk on the other side of the dresser and put the tree in the corner. G'ma Ann is cleaning out her house and gave us the tree this past week. Keala blurted out "I want that in my room". So there it is. You may not know what the difference is in these rooms. But I do, and I am so satisfied every time I walk into their clean rooms. I barely finished when the kids got back at 4 o-clock. Thats 5 straight hours of cleaning! I had 3 bags of trash and 4 bags of clothes and toys for D.I. Brent says it turns him on when I organize like that. (He's just using positive reinforcement so I'll do it again... Ha!)

As a side note, we were looking up at these frogs sitting on top of our bookshelf this morning. They were made to light up in the hot tub or bath. But they work in your hand when you touch the sensors. The kids love them so much we have to give them a rest from time to time. But Brent says this morning, "These guys haven't said much lately." To which I responded, "Yes, but don't they look happy!"

To which Brent responds, "Yes, but if they could talk, I bet they would say 'Bud-Wei-Ser' - ha ha ha"! Yes, this is what I live with.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving with the Jenson's

Thanksgiving is the BIG holiday of the year in the Jenson family! All the Jenson's meet at Joan and Bill's for the biggest dinner feast you've seen in your life. Kasey came down from school on Tuesday afternoon and was so excited to be here with all the kids!

Leslie and Brayden came down Sunday, as you saw the kids playing Disney bingo Monday night.

Here's all the blonds, aren't they gorgeous! Cindy now lives in Park City with Amanda (on the far left). Joni (next to Kasey) came in town Wednesday night with her kids, Jared and Randi. Her daughter Rachel couldn't make it, but Joni brought Rachel's kids Tristan and Marina.

Cindy with her husband, James, and her kids Michael, Aaron, and Amanda. Michael goes to school in San Diego. Aaron lives here in Salt Lake and is Maddox's father. James works in Texas, and Cindy commutes between Park City and Austin every week. Busy family!

Every year Joni makes these amazing rolls that last all week long. She makes at least 10 dozen. Notice this cookie sheet only holds 6 rolls, thats because they are huge! And smell amazing!

You can see how much room the rolls take on these plates, and some people eat 2 or 3 a day! Its torture for us Celiac's I tell you! This table stretched all the way across Joan's basement, to fit 30 people this year!

Keala wanted her hair done special! As you can see, thats just what it is!

Brent and I spent all morning cooking food at our house. We made corn muffins (for me), green beans with bacon, stuffing, sweet potatoes with marshmellow topping, heated up a ham, and made honey butter for all the rolls.

The kids played on the Wii all morning while Joan used both her kitchens to cook all the rolls, the turkey, the mashed potatoes and gravy, heated up corn, and entertained all the family guests in the meantime. The woman is a real trooper I tell ya!

These are Joni's kids Jared and Randi. Sitting next to Randi is her boyfriend Nate, who I am told is a mechanic mastermind and a real sweetheart. When this food is served, it gets eaten faster than I have ever seen. We just pass the trays of food around the table and everyone piles it on!

Just as fast as the food is served and finished, the tables are cleared up and everyone passes out. Joan kept offering pies and people just groaned! There were about 8 pies, from pumpkin to apple pie, topped with ice cream or whipped cream.

The kids always sit together at the end of the table. But when the food was all done and the grownups were resting, the kids all went outside and played in the snow making snowballs and snowmen. In the evening the adults went out to see 'The Blind Side' movie, while I took the kids to see 'A Christmas Carol'. Warning: the Christmas Carol is really scary for little kids, but Keala was brave. While we eat leftovers all weekend long, its tradition to go to Chef Tom's Italian food for a break from cooking, and because its a family favorite. Too bad all the family have to leave during the weekend, we had such a fun week together, and the kids had a blast!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

They're Here!

Some of our cousins are already in town for Thanksgiving week. We had Family Home Evening with them last night. The kids played 'Disney Bingo' together. (They love playing anything together!)

I had to help out a little. A DVD tells you what B-I-N-G-O letter and number to put your token on.

Each number has a character assigned to it - just to help you out! Its fun! The kids played it all night.

Maggie kept walking over their boards to lick the kids faces, so I tried to keep her busy. Brayden and Maddox are the same ages as Kai and Keala, and they love playing together. This will be a very fun (and hectic) week.

Keala helped me make chocolate chips cookies this morning for everyone to enjoy.

Except she kept eating them all! She likes to say "when I eat one, it makes me want to have another one". She's home this week from preschool. (I am so excited! grrr...)

See food! This girl has more personality than I have ever seen in just one human being. Where does she get it from!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009