Thursday, May 23, 2013

Hello from Seattle

This post will be a little backwards. We took this photo on the way back to the airport to come home.

We stayed our last night in Seattle with Brent's brother in law, Roy and his wife Connie. Roy drove us through the parking lot of the Seattle temple and then straight out.

I figured I wanted proof we had been here so I asked if we could stop for a second and he obliged. Nice guy! (We teased him a lot!)

Earlier that day Roy showed us his electric car that he built. We got a kick out of seeing that! I thought dad might too!

Roy got his car from a scrap yard and took it to Salt Lake where he worked on putting all the pieces together with his son.

They towed the car back to Seattle and here he drives it to work every day and then brings it home and charges it up!

 He uses the same batteries in golf carts because they last longer and are cheaper than lithium. If he had to do it again he would have used a pick-up truck instead of a car to put all the batteries in the back instead of 9 up front and 20 in the back. whoa!

Connie took us on most of the sight seeing tours. We visited a Farmers Market where I had to get some tacos and kettle corn!

Our first stop was Pike's market but Brent has those photos on his phone. This is Snoqualmie Falls. It was pretty impressive!

Right next to the Falls is a quaint little hotel... hate to say it, I added it to the bucket list! This was a cool place!

Taking this shot meant leaning over the railing which freaked me out that I might drop my phone! You know we can't live without them these days! I felt like a stunt man...not!

This time I REALLY leaned over the side... freaky!

At Connie's house these 2 ducks kept acting like they were pets. (In addition to Connie feeding them bird seed!) But this duck finished eating and then stood at the door for 20 minutes asking for more!

Connie also took us to a Salmon Farm. Brent and I got a kick out of  watching these cute little kids jump their little hearts out!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Ryan and Sami's Wedding

First comes love, then comes marriage...
Ryan and Sami knew each other in high school but never dated. After Ryan's mission their two best friends were married and so their social network crossed paths frequently a year ago. After we came home from our cruise we saw less and less of Ryan.

After a couple weeks of dating they knew they'd found someone special in each other. So April 30th was the magical day!
I felt like we all had a perma-smile the whole day, we were all so happy for them! (Except my feet had perma-pain the next 2 days!)

Unfortunately the wind was freezing and hard that afternoon but Sami was still able to take some wonderful photos! They both went to Cancun on their honeymoon and had endless fun, good food, and great adventures! Now they need to unpack their presents, straighten up their new home and be ready for family visits!
(It might take a while I hear!)