Thursday, October 29, 2009

Big Bomb

I thought this was a cool video someone sent me. Turn on your volume.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Latest on Kasey and Austin

Grocery Store Shopping

Bedroom Decor at College


80's Dance with Roomates

Getting Ready for 80's Dance

Homecoming Dance

Jabanero Party Anyone?

Austin's friends eating Jabaneros'

Got Milk?!

Watch Out, Its Hot!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

How 'bout them Apples!

Homemade Apple Pie, the apples from our very own apple tree! It was great! (The crust no so much, but it was GF... what can I say?) It did the job though. I had apple pie for dinner! mmm! Yum! Keala made her own mini-pie which she loved - and then wanted the 'big' pie to share with the whole neighborhood. We're still working with her on not sharing food with all the kiddies. I just lost a half dozen lunchbox drinks in one afternoon because of that! But we all loved the pie and thats what really matters! Brent was proud of me for using our own apples too!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Just for you Bre!

Remember these containers I showed you earlier? They were downstairs in our storage room and I realized that I needed them closer to the kitchen so I could get to them better and suddenly the idea popped in my head that we could take the china out of this cabinet and put all this food in!

Brent thought it was ingenius. I would have to say so myself! We are so proud to have easy access to all these beans and flours now. It got us organizing our whole food storage in the basement and took us days to get it done. I will show pictures of that later.

But for now we'll give ourselves a big thumbs up! We are ready to eat off our food storage. MMMmmm! Yum?!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Ding Dong Ditch

Why is Keala is holding this picture you ask? Well, I will tell you! If you recieved one of these pictures on your front porch in a Halloween bucket with treats, then you have been "Ding Dong Ditched!" There were instructions on the back saying you have to do the same thing to 2 other people. So we had to photocopy this photo (and the instructions) and then "Ding Dong Ditch" a Halloween snack to 2 other neighbors. In the meantime, you put this ghost in your front window so the neighbors don't end up giving you treats a second time. So, after making a bucket of treats we had Brent leave it on a neighbors door and ring the doorbell and RUN! Problem was, they weren't home. So after an hour I had to beg and plea for him to do it again! (The first time was hard enough!) After what seemed like an eternity of arguing, he finally agreed. The one downside is that this neighbor we chose, lives in the base of the "U" shape on our street and has a REALLY good view of the WHOLE NEIGHBORHOOD. So running from their house and hiding was no simple feat! The argument why I didn't want to do it, was not that I had to run, I just REALLY didn't want to get caught! Its a weird phenomenon. I know! But I knew if I couldn't find a place to hide soon enough I'de pee my pants with all that anxiety on top of running! So having Brent do it, irregardless of getting caught... at least, preserved me from the anxiety attack!

So, on the 2nd try, Brent rang the doorbell and ran like hell! I don't think I've laughed that hard since the turn of the century. It was a sight to behold my friends! And he didn't even get caught! (That boy can run!) The neighbors turned off their lights for a few minutes to spy out their windows, but then turned them back on again. (We thought we were real clever as we peaked out our window at them!) We're gonna try it again tonight for the 2nd family we're supposed to do. But I have been informed that I am the delegated runner, because Brent's 'out of commision'. (But this house has places I can hide, so I am in the clear of wetting my pants!)