Thursday, November 1, 2012

Fine! I will start posting again!

Welcome Fall!

Yesterday we celebrated Halloween at the kids' school.
I tutor 14 kids every day, here are 3 of my favorite kids!

Kai's classmate Josh... 
I think this is the best halloween costume!

I brought the pirate costume for anyone who needed it.
So Omar grabbed it, I just love this dude!
He's so sweet... and yet sooo mischevious!

I also tutor Cate, she was so excited to show me her costume!
Her teacher didn't even know she was missing from class!

Kai was a zoo-keeper for Halloween.
Simple. Easy. I like his style!

Masia and Sara dance around for Kai.... silly girls!

Avery looks adorable!

Denny is the Ninja. He randomly shows up at our house with his brother and the 2 of them play with Kai until we have to kick them out. (His mom had to come looking for him one day!) 

Last year I tutored Troy in the reading program. 
His mom is here today helping with the party.

Bunch of comedians!

Kai caught his teacher's shot, which is funny because she kept tricking me into shots, little devil she is! I love that Kai is in her class this year!

Santos gets bored in tutoring, he's a little stinker!

Watch out for the bear!

Is this a clip from a movie?!

Caden is one of my favorite kids... an absolute sweetheart!

The kids are supposed to be in their seats to get a cupcake...
mission impossible!

Ann and Brent came over to bring treats - LUCKY KIDS!

 I took Kai and Keala straight to the Moser's house first! They spent weeks building this 'spook house' onto their front porch. It was so creepy! Full of spiders, and zombies, and spooky noises! Cool!

I was thrilled it was so warm last night! I couldn't believe how many ward members drove into our neighborhood to trick-or-treat! We were the happenin' spot! So  many families were walking up and down the street!
One of our neighbors was even cooking hot dogs for everyone! (The Dad came and walked the kids with step-mom and me.) Brent opted to pass out candy (and keep his eye on the Jazz game!)

Last Friday I had a 'Witches Night Out' party. Kai and Keala were supposed to be with their dad for the weekend but Kai had a cough and didn't want to go. Good thing he didn't, one of his cousins suprised us with a visit! Keala invited the neighbor's new dog, so she brought over the dog and both her kids. It was an impromptu kids-party downstairs while the moms were upstairs. Fun for all!

Witches having fun!

My school picture this year!
I love, love, LOVE working at the kids' school!
They love seeing mom come into their classes and I love getting to know all their friends! I just adore these little guys!