Friday, February 25, 2011

For good measure!

I had to include one of Keala's self-portraits.

Then I offered to shoot her picture which she obligingly posed for!

I also forgot to mention Austin's Valentine's Dance date.

The dance happened to be on his 18th Birthday.... ironic!

But he was glad to go, and his date was a cutie pie!

Don't want to also forgot my snickerdoodle cupcakes (delish!) and the plain yellow (G.F.) cupcakes from Betty Crocker! They are awesome! And Jacque will whole-heartedly agree with me!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I know Crazy... And I'm not afraid to use it!

Saturday afternoon, 3 friends of mine came over to make cupcakes. (This was after I did 7 hair cuts this morning and added 3 more cuts and 2 colors when my friends came.) Busy day!

But we still managed to make 4 batches of cupcakes. These are the smores cupcakes... after we roasted them. They looked awesome!  And tasted just as good!

My friend Nikki and I had to make the marshmellow topping twice... hey, in our defense we never made it before! But you should have seen how excited we were once we did! Finger lickin' good!

Nikki's son Skyler helped us clean up!

I forgot to mention Meeja single-handedly made 2 batches (while I worked on hair cuts).  I made the (gluten-free) Oreo cheesecakes.  And Meeja made the S'mores cupcakes and Strawberry cheesecake cupcakes.  Oh, the fourth batch I made on Sunday.  They were Snickerdoodle cupcakes... awesome!

As if I hadn't stood on my feet enough that day. (Up at the store at 7am!) Nikki and I took our kids to the aquarium at 4:30. (I thought I was going to die!) But it was fun!

I think the fish rejuventated me.  They're so mysterious! Ooooh!

This picutre is for Lynne and Don!

Don't ask me where she comes from!

Kai and Ethan compared sizes to Penquins. These kids are in the same class at school!

Kai wanted to look at the T-O-Y-S before we left!

I talked them into taking pictures with the toys instead of buying them!

My evil plan worked, and Kai even got me to pose! (Btw, I was in bed by 9pm and passed out 20 minutes later!) It was a long day! But yes, we did share the cupcakes with the whole neighborhood.
(Since we had enough to do that!)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Donut Day

My kids beg for a donut from Dunford's just about once every week. I make them earn it by completing homework and reading assignments. (Best mothering skill I ever learned: every thing is a privilege unless its a meal!) Works like a charm! So yesterday I scrambled through all my change and sent the kids into the store with the amount of $1 in coins. (Their cashiers just love me!) Kai came out with his usual chocolate glazed twist. Keala comes out with something different each time. So she shows me her apple fritter and says, "Mom, mine has apples in it! Its more healthy than Kai's, huh?!" 
Uhhhm... I don't know how to answer that.
(FYI:) Dunford Bakers located at 8556 South 2940 West