Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My New Office!

I thought I would throw in a photo of me goofin' off with Keala. She sure is cute in a lot of our snapshots. Don't forget to check the gilroyfamilyblog.blogspot to see her 4th Birthday pictures we took this past Sunday. It was so much fun.
So... as for my office! I have had so much fun getting organized and laying out all my paper and tidbits to finish scrapbooking. ('Finish' is the operative word here!) But Brent can't seem to get me out of that room! I did about 30 hours last week because I was so hyper to jump start and get a lot finished. I did about 5 years in that amount of time. But still have about 5 more years to fine-tune and hammer out till I can consider myself 'caught up'. We'll see... we all know what the demands of scrapbooking are... basically, its never-ending! But here's to time for myself in my own little world! Photos of the salon should be coming at the end of the month!

So Happy Together!

This is us at Keala's birthday party after she blew out the candles and we all had some cake. Every one wanted to take pictures of me right when I barely sat down to eat. Hello! A little patience please! So here I am, goofing off as normal. Lauren took the pictures of Brent and me. She got a real kick out of this! Thought I would share since I figured you were all missing out!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I'm Alive!

Just thought I would share the excitement that I found my birth certificate that I have been looking for since 6 or 7 years ago. I actually think I found it when I was living with Erika 4 years ago, but then hid it from myself again and never knew where it was. Isn't that SO frustrating! (It was at the bottom of a scrapbooking/stamping box!) why?! I actually have 2 other birth certificates. One was the original that I found in an envelope I had saved from Lauren and I visiting Auntie Lynne back in 1989 or so. (with our airline tickets.) (I had Lauren's also). But when Brent and I took the cruise to Mexico last summer I needed one and was afraid they wouldn't take the original because it looked so old, so I ordered a new one. (which never got to me in time.)...So they did end up taking the original. So... now I have 3! But I am so happy that I found the one I have been looking for, for the past decade! Isn't that wonderful! (It was with my patriarcle blessing...and yes, THAT has been lost for just as long!) I have just been borrowing mom's copy of mine so that I can still read it from time to time. I know! - "I am a loser baby...so why don't you ki@* me!"

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Green Dinner

Happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone! Brents family started a tradition a couple years ago to have a 'green dinner' on St. Patrick's Day. So, in honor of 'tradition' I steamed broccoli, asparagus, and made green snickerdoodles and headed over to green mashed potatoes, green bread, green fruit salad, green punch, and 'normal' colored chicken dinner. (With green sherbert ice cream). Kai gasped when he saw the green mashed potatoes. I thought the green bread was rather clever myself. And the rest of the stuff just looked normal. But it was a lot of fun. Joan had set the table with a green tablecloth and plates too. We regularaly have Sunday dinners with Brent's parents (almost) every Sunday and some times other 'special' occasions and its always a lot of fun. Today Joan accompanied me to the IKEA store to purchase my new bookshelves for my OWN office! It was exciting, and yes, I know I am a spoiled little girl. Now I get to sprawl my scrapbooking and sewing and all my other crafts all over the room and NEVER have to clean up again! Yeah for me! it will still be some time before my salon is completed. But I will keep you all posted! Hope no one got pinched today!

p.s. Did anyone remember to remind Adam of the holiday? And did he ever fix the clock in his car!?

Thursday, March 12, 2009


I am a warm sleeper! I HAVE to sleep warm! But sometimes if I am TOO warm I end up giving myself really bad nightmares. Here's the latest I'be been having about once a week (at least): I am single and begging some old boyfriend to marry me. Hello! Thats not 'supposed' to be a nightmare. But it is! Its my re-occuring nightmare. And I don't think I have any kids in the dreams, so I am not even a single mom... just "single". Hello! So weird! But can you see how relieved I am when I wake up and my honey bunny is there next to me! Sheesh! The weird thing is that I have TOTALLY forgotten in my subconscious that I am married. I think I must be scarred for life. PThhhhh! Who knows!